1st long weekend suggestions


As posted few days back, I have been sober starting Sunday night this week and have surprised myself with myself that i have been able to control the urge to drink.

This weekend is a long weekend I’m India. Saturday through Monday. I’m gonna have a lot of time and its going to be difficult to control the urge to drink.

Any suggestions based on experience on how to handle the first sober weekend?

Thanks a lot.

I would suggest looking for an AA meeting. Last Sunday was also day 1 for me. I went to my 1st ever meetings mon & tue which really helped me alot. It wasn’t what I expected & the people really seemed to care so much about everyone that shares their addiction. They strongly suggest getting a sponsor soon, which I’m working on for early next week. So I guess what I’m saying is don’t try to do it alone. This forum helps alot in between things, but I need more face to face help & other non drinking people to associate with. Stay Strong