1st Soberversary!

An amazing journey by an AMAZING PERSON!!! Thank you for sharing, Mandi. I dont think i would have made it this far without you. You’re a rock star!

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Amazingly awesomeness!! True inspiration. Thank you!!

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Wonderful . Truly wonderful !

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Amazing. Thank you for all you share, your honesty and warmth are such a good example to us all :heart:

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Congrats on your first year sober. Your transformation is inspiring.


So happy for you Mandi!!! You are an inspiration to so many here!! I have really appreciated your posts. Have a super day!!:clap::partying_face::clap:

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Hi @MandiH congratulations on your first year. I am so pleased for you…not only have you changed yourself for the better but have helped lots of people on TS… keep it going…all the best to you … Rob :grin:

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Thanks for sharing! Your story is very inspiring
Congratulations on such a huge milestone! I loved what you said about why even taking the chance at trying to moderate? I tried that experiment so many times in my life and it was always a failure. The way you phrased it made me look at it in a completely different way. This is a progressive disease, and I want to be around for my kid, so why would I even risk playing that game that I know I’m going to lose?

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That’s EXACTLY it! :heart: I’m glad we get an opportunity to live life a totally different way instead!

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Yes! Sober life is a beautiful life!

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Congratulations my friend. You are such an inspiration to me- a beautiful person inside and out :two_hearts::pray:

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First of all, congratulations! Second of all, your story is truly inspiring and amazing! I wish you only the best in life as you deserve it!

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Hot dang, and doesn’t that change shine right through? :open_mouth:

Oh, @MandiH. You were among the first to welcome me with open arms to the forum. And, like you, I didn’t even know what I was about to discover when I first stumbled on here. Your positivity is contagious in the best way possible and something I sorely needed.

I’m so hecking grateful for you. Congratulations on a year of kicking this thing’s arse and being a real inspiration through it all! :heart: :hugs: :ice_cream:


365 days of getting better at getting better! It’s been a pleasure walking along this path with you, watching you grow! Now one to the next milestone!


Congratulations! And you are beautiful!!

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Congrats and enjoy your day!!! Im so proud for you!

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Totally inspiring @MandiH Thank you for being here on the sober-society

You are definitely a example for me as newbie! :heart:

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Huge congratulations to you! And thank you! Thank you for all your wisdom and caring and for helping me along my journey any way that you can. If you weren’t hundreds of miles away I’d totally give you a hug! :hugs:


Your amazing… congratulations… xxx

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