1yr 10 month update!

Long time no talk but hiii friends lots of updates but I’ll do my best to summarize
So for about a month I stayed in salvation army in my local area and that experience allowed me to make a new friend a lady I check in with often because she really took care of me while I was there!
I may have a new job and that I look forward to so lots of changes

I met a new fella we’ve had our small disagreements but we’ve work through it pretty healthily thus far and I have so much gratitude for this man

1 yr 10 months sober is the biggest update and I’m grateful through the storm’s and the good!

Things have been rough but I’m pressing forward because I know thing’s are progressing no matter how inpatient I get :purple_heart:


Wow!! Great update!! Love your new profile pic!!! Congratulations on your year and 10 months!! Super happy for you!!! :people_hugging::heart::people_hugging:


Thank you I needed to update the ts community since I’m finally slowed down a little :purple_heart::people_hugging: good to see you as the first welcome back on here and I hope you’re doing well also !!:people_hugging:

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Congratulations on doing your sober work! This is awesome :clap: Good for you! :raised_hands:


I am! Lots going on. Maybe elderly parents moving here into independent living nearby, so lots with that (they visit next week). Grandson turns 10 this week! What!!! Lots going on there with him and his Mom too…they moved down last year. Been busy for sure with family. Enjoying beautiful weather today, so grateful for that. :slightly_smiling_face:


Wow sounds very busy but glad to hear you’re doing so well and wohooo the big 10 happy happy happy birthday to your grandson :hugs:


Wonderful to see you! Congratulations on all your hard work and all you’ve done! :slightly_smiling_face::sparkles:Blessings.

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