2,000 days of Facing Life Head On

Sorry in advance…this’ll be a long one…

Wow…this one kind of took me by surprise. I had known that 2,000 was on the horizon, but hadn’t checked my counter in quite a while because…well…life has been on FULL volume lately.

2,000 days ago I started by sober journey. Fueled by a bottom that had me: drinking upon waking to handle my hangovers, drinking every day, partaking in risky behavior to both drink and get and use drugs, unhappy, in pain, unable to handle even a GOOD day at work without needing to “blow off steam” by drinking a bottle or two of wine a night.

I had known for about a year that I was not headed down a good path. But…thankfully…that last hangover morning, I woke up…and I was DONE. As I looked in the mirror, I could see where I was headed. Either slowly, or quickly, I was killing my self.

The interesting thing though, is that I COULDNT see the other path. The me that would be if I STOPPED drinking.

Luckily…I didn’t have to be able to see that person. All I had to do (and thankfully it was ALL, because it took fucking everything I had in me) was wake up, and make the commitment to not drink or use for that day.

The first few days were a haze of sweating, headaches, smelling terrible, laying in the bath multiple times per day soaking in Epsom salt, and ordering delivery while chugging water.

Then, I had to venture OUT and find a way to put a day together that DIDNT revolve around alcohol. Honestly, I didn’t know who I was without alcohol or how to exist and “relax” without it.

But again…I didn’t HAVE to know. All I had to do was put one sober foot in front of the other.

I came on here CONSTANTLY. Read and took notice of those with significant clean time and tried to take their suggestions. I let go of the idea that I EVER knew what I was doing (because look where I had gotten myself!).

I started making sobriety my full time focus. Deleted all the numbers, changed the road I took home at night. Starting audibling recovery books and listening to podcasts. When i drove, when I walked the dogs, when I showered, when I got ready in the morning, when I ate lunch by myself.

And amazingly. It started to feel more natural. I fell into a rhythm that didn’t revolve around using and I began to find a sliver of light in my life.

2,000 days later and I’d be lying if I said that the last few years WEREN’T rough. The addict part of me even wanted to try to blame everything that happened on NOT drinking!!! “Well….literally none of this happened when you did drink…just saying…”

In sobriety, I have:

-handled my mother dying unexpectedly (and the grieving process that followed)

-put myself through graduate school during the pandemic.

-planned a wedding in 9 weeks while working full time and being in grad school

-handled shifting my entire business online in a pandemic to keep it from closing.

-dealt with infertility and made the choice to leverage my options to get pregnant

-got sued by an old landlord

-had my business flooded by someone else’s negligence and had to repair it.

-had the house I was buying flooded by someone else’s negligence and had to repair it.

-bought a car

-bought a house

-got pregnant

-moved while pregnant and working

-started a new full time position in a school district (after being part time in higher Ed for 12 years

-went into preterm labor 2.5 months early

-had my son suffer a collapsed lung and a 72 day stay in the NICU while renovating and moving into a house

-had a newborn while living in a spare bedroom with my VERY particular (ocd) father

-noticed the severe decline and started planning for the passing of my beloved dogs

Every SINGLE ONE of these instances would have been impossible for me to face and deal with properly in addiction. Every single ONE of them would have sent me running for the oblivion of the bottle.

Of course…as you read what big stressors I’ve come across…they are right there with the AMAZING things that have happened (I.e meeting my husband, buying a house, having my wonderful son etc) but THATS the funny thing about my addict brain, it gets so overwhelmed by the “stressor” that it became completely blind to the GRATITUDE I could have for the way my life was taking shape!!

So today? Today I am THANKFUL. Thankful for that morning 2,000 days ago when I woke up and…hands trembling…decided to set off on a new course. PROUD, of my willingness to keep pushing forward with clarity and sobriety (even when I was fucking terrified) and EXCITED for the unknown rollercoaster ahead.

Thank you to everyone on here for being a large part of my sober journey❤️


Wow congrats! Very inspiring!


What an amazing post and testament to what a clean and sober life can be like. I have always appreciated your presence and shares here and the connection I feel with you. Thank you for letting us in and sharing the path that recovery has facilitated for you - you’ve done and endured so much and your future is looking bright as a result of your hard work. Sending lots of good wishes for that future and a happy and healthy kiddo and family going forward. Big hugs!


Congratulations on 2,000 days, that’s an amazing story you have. Keep up the good work. I’m inspired by you.


That is one big and fancy number!




Congratulations on 2,000 days! Life sure has thrown all kinds of curves at your 2,000 days… keep on ODAAT, best wishes :slightly_smiling_face:


Aww massive congrats to you! And huge thanks for sharing a snapshot of your 2000 days. Truth that taking things one day at a time is all we need to do, hey? I will draw a ton of strength from your story.
Onward! :wink: Hugs :orange_heart:


Massive congratulations on 2000 days great post and agree totally about our addict brain only concentrating on the bad things and skimming over all the good, we should all take time to be proud of our achievements, well done you. adaat :muscle:


You took the big, giant leap into the unknown and look how you’ve changed your life!
As they say, “nothing changes if nothing changes”.
I’m sooo happy for you.
I’ve seen you go through many of your struggles and you’ve done an awesome job with all of them sober and focused on the challenges at hand and not on alcohol in the hand. Yay you!
Biggest congratulations and biggest hugs to you on all of it!
You’re an inspiration and a testament that quitting is not impossible and can be done with the will to do it!


Wonderful and inspiring post! Big big congratulations! :heart::heart:


This has actually brought me to tears, just Wow, thank you for sharing and congratulations :heart:


Thank you for sharing this with us. One day I’ll hit 2000 days too!


Congratulations! :tada:
Thank you for sharing all your ups and downs.
You’ve been such an inspiration since my early days and continue to pave the way.


That’s exactly what recovery is. Thanks so much for sharing. And massive congratulations :clap::tada::clap:


Thanks for sharing :+1: :blush: :grinning: :slightly_smiling_face:


This is how we do it. Thanks for sharing your trip with us, and congratulations on the 2k days!


Yes!!! Awww Ely!!! Huge congratulations on your 2,000 days and your strength and willingness to share and reach out and support, all the while dealing with life!! You are one of my inspirations here and I am thrilled for you. Keep on keeping on!!! :heart::people_hugging::heart:

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Fabulous share! Congrats on 2000

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Inspiring! Congratulations!! :cowboy_hat_face::100::metal:

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Thanks for sharing your incredible journey. What a trip you’re having Ely! So glad for you. This is what recovery is all about. And then some more. Huge congrats. Thanks for the inspiration.