2 1/2 hour afternoon naps? đź‘€ day #27 today

Last week have been waking up few times, little restless legs sometimes too. I have been working out pretty much every AM. Didn’t set an alarm and bam, slept 2 1/2 hrs! 1:30-4pm PT.

Anyone take regular naps everyday or few times a week? Wondering if I should schedule 20 min very day so I don’t do this again. I’m lucky to have a flex schedule that allows this.

Still feeling up and down. One good day, energetic, happy, felling amazing about life. Then 2-4 days of no energy, little depressed. I don’t remember this when I have gone sober before (max at 40 days.)


Yes. Daily napper here. I take a regular 20-30 minute nap every day at around 1pm. I have an easy chair in my home office, and nap there. I set an alarm on my phone.

Naps are hugs we give to ourselves.


I second the advice above. Your body is going through a lot, physically and mentally. Now that your brain isn’t surfing the dopamine wave pool of booze, it takes a while to normalize - which can cause insomnia, fatigue, restless legs, anxiety…

Be good to yourself. If you can swing a quick daily nap - awesome! Try to eat well and regularly, remember to hydrate…

It will get better in time. In the meantime, you might be interested in looking up “Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome.” It’s interesting to learn more about why we may feel the way we do as we adjust to sobriety.

27 days is freaking awesome. Keep doing what you are doing!


@Yoda-Stevie @MoCatt @Lorelai

All sound advice, thank you! :heart:


Would again recommend a blood test to check things like iron (ferritin), b12 and vitamin d.

I got serious fatigue with low ferritin. And am now reading about lots of cross over symptoms with b12 and vitamin d. I am also b12 deficent.

A post I wrote a while ago for more info…

If and when you get a blood test and your results, feel free to PM me I can link you up with some info and resources I have found helpful :hugs:

Of course it could just be your body adjusting to new things and may correct itself with some sober time. And there’s nothing wrong with daytime naps either! But if you’re feeling exhausted despite lots of sleep that might be a sign of something worth looking into.

P.s. writing this on a fun restless legs induced wake up :sweat_smile:


Waiting for doctor appt! I moved and need new doctor. Left messages at a couple offices. Hopefully this week I can set a date :relaxed:

Started taking iron, b12. I’ll get on vitamin d and research ferritin! :heart:

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Apparently it’s best not to supplement b12 before a blood test as it can artificially inflate the readings. If you have a doctor who is up on that side of things they will understand, but it doesn’t seem like it’s a guaranteed thing.

I’m part of the iron protocol (for iron deficiency with or without anaemia) group on Facebook which I have found helpful re ferritin. So much information there but lots of links to further research as well as anecdotal experience.

For B12 www.theb12society.co.UK is good and they also have a Facebook group, Wake Up B12.

Hope you can get your appointment soon and in the meantime happy to hear your schedule is flexible enough to accommodate rest when you feel you need it!

I do! Ever since I quit drinking I am dragging by 3:30. And I workout so I thought I would have me energy. I have to take a power nap everyday.