Women's hormonal roller-coaster

Today I am the first three all at the same time. Intense cravings for cigarettes, as if that will make any difference 🤦

But I think I will get some chocolate.


You got this @siand . I understand completely. I went through my first sober one in years at the end of last month I went from hell raiser mood monster to almost a relapse that by some miracle only just didn’t happen.Then I was aching and exhaustion feeling ill for days on end then the witch finally arrived. Its awful. Praying that inositol does something to help I’ve took a months worth now but it can take upto 3 months. I’ll let you know.

I’m in the happy phase right now jees it’s peaceful I wish it was like this all the time.

Hugs all


I steal your meme :+1::pray::woman_facepalming::grin:

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I been getting headaches the whole time on periods. Total brain fog aswell…Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated? Very new coincidence. Fking annoying :disappointed::disappointed::disappointed:


That’s bad, I feel with you. What helps me a lot is peppermint oil. I put one or two drops on both temples and the dimples at the neck and rub or pat it gently into the skin. It also helps with concentration and when you feel a bit nauseous (I often do). Repeat as often as you like.
Wish you feeling better soon :hugs:

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Have you had a blood test recently? I put this on my FB recently and am sharing again here for you or anyone else tbh… I know this won’t be a solution for everyone but it’s something I just wasn’t aware of until last year when I came back with a low ferritin score.

If you have experienced any or all of these symptoms, especially if you are a woman, PLEASE GO TO YOUR GP, ASK FOR A FULL BLOOD TEST AND ASK FOR A PRINTOUT OF THE RESULTS.

The normal levels for ferritin are something like 15 - 300. So if a blood test comes back within that range, you won’t get anything flagged as problematic. Just because it’s normal does not mean its optimal.

I am just starting on a journey of iron supplementation and have no idea if it will fix all the issues that I’ve had for the last however long. I found out last September when my ferritin level showed up as 5 that a test 9 years ago put me at the lower end of the range, but technically iron deficient. As it was in normal range I was just told my results came back fine. I can’t help but feel that maybe some of the depression, anxiety and discomfort might have been avoided if I had this information earlier. The last few years in particular have been fucking rough, pandemic aside (I know that’s a big aside, ha!).

Iron deficiency doesn’t seem to recognised as a significant issue among many medical professionals and the research is limited. But anecdotally for those who do fix their levels (of other vitamins and minerals too!) the difference in quality of life is night and day.

For those who like a more formal source for their medical info, this is an informative piece: Iron Deficiency Without Anemia – Common, Important, Neglected


Fuck. Amazing. Funny I just got this out my cupboard and had one. I don’t take all the time tho,.yes I have those symptoms. And was thinking about a blood test,but, to be honest I drink so much tea and coffee it’s no surprise I’m down on iron :green_heart:

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I would recommend joining the iron protocol group on FB. Not the UK one. Loads of info on supplements etc too. Apparently single vits are best but not sure about folate and b12. I am taking ferrous fumurate prescribed from the GP.

Definitely worth a visit and asking about it. Or you can get at home ferritin tests if for some reason GP won’t (and you’re happy to pay).


Ye this is fumurate. Thanks for suggestions. I’m alright on vitamin knowledge :wink:… I don’t go for cheap. Britishsupplements is a company that does brilliant vitamins and supplements but expensive. You can have a read of a list of ingredients that are put in as fillers, and whom owns what companies…

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That’s good to know - as a US group there aren’t loads of UK supplements. I’m generally not aware of supplements, I feel like we should be able to get what we need from food but in my case apparently not.

I checked in the group and it looks like the reason she gives to avoid combo supplements is because of the other stuff they can contain, e.g. methyls.

I need to get my head around it all and work out the best way for me. First though I need to wait for my next blood test and see what effect the FF has had so far and try and nag my GP into helping me work out why the iron is low in the first place!


I’m happy to report that just 2 days with iron supplement has put me back on form!.. I feel like a bit of yoga in the morning :sunrise_over_mountains:. Energy levels have definitely resumed almost to normal, cutting right down on coffee and tea now to just one (one or the other)… Slight headache tonight but think that’s my posture from last few hours on laptop :computer: :roll_eyes:


My Mum recommended those to me as they make an instant difference. I really noticed the effects quickly so try and take them daily. Especially certain times of the month.

I am really flagging though this month, hard to know what is the fatigue from giving up alcohol. Just keep throwing vitamins at it and hoping for the best really.


Good news! I finished my FF on Monday and am starting to feel terrible. GP said to wait a month after they finished for a blood test but I’m not gonna last that long. Fortunately I can get some over the counter tho! Will be picking them up in the morning and hope that the last five days haven’t reset everything :crossed_fingers:


Love this!! It’s always like a week or week and a half where I’m so fucking tired, hungry, and irritated. I feel like my husband thinks I’m making it up but the hormones are real!


Welcome! Yes the hormones are real. Maybe interest your husband in some basic litetature to understand better and help you coping. If he refuses to read, read yourself and tell him about it. In my case this worked out well.
If it doesn’t, there are still other options to try :wink:


Day 36 here :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: fell in a hole this afternoon. Sun is shining but it won’t lift my mood. Glycemia is the worst. I hate it as it fucking conincides with wanting only to eat. What’s the point of this? I’ll start the march challenge today and hopefully I will motivateyself to start with the element water which is the topic of this week’s yoga practice.


Hi ladies. As you know or don’t know I suffer with pcos and endo. Add to that going AF too I equally find the hormonal circus and pain hellish. However, for so long I put everything down to all of those things and for sure they contribute but when the doctor recently advised bloods they found I was very low on vitamin D too. Not what I expected.

Now been prescribed strong dose for 2 months and have to have more bloods while taking them.

It’s definitely worth a blood test If you haven’t had one for a while.


Thank you for this thread!
My sobriety and cycle feel very tied. I usually try to imbibe everything I can the day before my bleeding starts. This cycle I am watching and waiting and trying to be kind to my body. If I can make it 30 days AF I will feel very accomplished (just over 2 weeks here).

I’ve always been moody and depressed, some years more than other. I can’t help but think that not drinking a depressant every day will help me regulate my moods better but those hormones are sneaky bitches. No hormonal birth control for me anymore after a few episodes of absolute unregulated uncontrollable moods while on it. I’m waiting out these 2 weeks in kindness to this body I live in. Thanks for being here. :muscle:t3::drop_of_blood:


What helps me to overcome the critical phase just before bleeding starts is restful sleep. I’m moody and nervous and cravings in the evenings can be strong. Meditation, a bath, a good book or some funny videos help me to calm down. If needed, I take sleeping meds for a few days. That depends on my general level of exhaustion.
Wish you all the best and come here :hugs::blush:


Hi @TrustyBird welcome. My first cycle AF was pretty tough I won’t lie. Good news is second one AF was way more settled than I’ve ever experienced. Be ready for the first and be kind to yourself. This community is a wonderful support.