2.5 days Please help

I try. Someone close is an alcoholic and they keep saying Day 4 but I can’t get there.


You are amongst friends. Dont be afraid to interacr and vent on here. We have all been there. Stay strong. One day at a time. Dont focus on tomorrow or yesterday. You got this!

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Welcome! Coming here is a great first step. Being active here saved my life.

What are you doing to stay sober?

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Welcome to Talking Sober Jayne! This place has been the difference between failing in the past and success now. Hope it can be for you too. Getting and giving support, sharing struggles and successes, learning from each other, this place has so much to offer. We’re in this together. Wishing you all success. Hugs.


We are all here for each other please vent and we understand how hard it is

What are you doing on a daily basis to seek outside support for your sobriety?

You need support and structure in the early days. We are here to support and share what worked for us.

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