2 day milestone!

This is the longest I’ve ever gone without sh. I hope once I shower I wont cave in but high Hope’s :+1:


Good for you! One day at a time. Keep posting and come on here whenever you get an itch. I do & it helps keep me safe - I come on here and share.

Post in the checkin thread - it’s a nice place to catch up:

Good to see you - keep it up! :raised_hands:


Congratulations! Welcome to the safest place I have ever found in the world.

Remember that you are someone who deserves the best from life, and that progress comes one step at a time. You can do this!


Fingers crossed Pheobe! Day 2! WOOT WOOT!

Is the shower a trigger for you?

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That’s incredible! You are doing so well :sparkling_heart: you should feel very proud of yourself

Try to think of some nice ways to treat yourself today, even if it is something small. Maybe you could take time to do your nails or take a trip to the library? Having a nice cup of tea and reading on the couch with my dog and a fuzzy blanket is what I usually go for.

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That’s great!! Keep up the hard work :muscle:

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Checking in daily does actually help more than I thought!


The shower is usually when I would sh so yes it is. But today I’m going to try and break that cycle!


I will definitely try to bring my mood up. It’s been hard lately. I love my cat so maybe I’ll cuddle with him and a good book


That’s a tough trigger… But I believe in you!

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Awesome Phoebe! Yes it does. Addiction is about disconnection: we isolate to spend all of our time with our addiction. It’s hollow and eventually leaves us empty and feeling dead inside.

Getting free from addiction is about connecting, in meaningful ways. Checking in. Sharing. Listening. Having a community. These are things that help us walk through life.

One day at a time :innocent:


I know you can’t eliminate showering, but you can turn it into an act of self care. If you have the money to do so, I suggest you switching out some of the things (soap, shampoo, washcloth/loofah, etc) that you use in the shower. Obviously you can’t change your whole shower, but you can create a new environment for yourself while you’re there. Scent is such a powerful tool, especially for our memories. so maybe finding a new soap scent could be helpful to not bring back memories of previous sh and the new smell will help you change your mindset to enjoying peaceful, relaxing, safe showers.
Maybe you can get a waterproof shower speaker and listen to some music or podcasts or whatever you enjoy.


That’s a great idea. Thank you so much. I just got a shower speaker from 5 below so I’m gonna try that today when I shower

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That’s actually a good idea because I would usually have really hot showers but maybe a change of pace will make it better

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