2 Days 11hrs Clean

The weather has been testing, the crowd have been testing BUT the hours have gone by and IM STILL CLEAN. Slightly more nicotine today but that battle can wait another day. For now no drugs consumed.

I hope everyone has had a hot day, the night is still ahead so tell me about ur day and lets share some positive vibes and stories :+1::muscle:

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Going on day 2. Had a good gym and sauna session so my day was made. Ate like an elephant literally eating some meal every 30 minutes haha only healthy stuff though. I relapsed on nicotine today but no drugs or alcohol so Im still clean!
Last relapse was horrible dissapointed my family and myself, more than 88 pills in 4 days. I feel different this time. Relapsing does not seem or feel like an option at all anymore. I had no cravings the past two days. I really feel like building my new future.


Dreams that is spot on. Gym and chill, eating healthy and CLEAN. You cannot ask for a better start. Be strong and message if you feel weak. :+1::pray::muscle:

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