2 Weeks of Sobriety Today

2 weeks sober today! Exactly 2 weeks ago I decided to stop drinking for good. 1 week ago my house burned down and I lost everything. Today I’m still standing STRONG and SOBER!

Also want to thank @Dolse71 for their words of encouragement on my original post about the fire. They’ve been replaying in my head on a loop to get me through the tough moments.

“Once you‘ve rebuilt yourself and your life back from this, I very much doubt anything else will ever faze you again. It isn’t the fresh start you wanted…but God/life has a plan.” I’m counting on it!!! :heart::heart:


Well done for that! :facepunch: Congratulations!! :confetti_ball:
I know you are living in a temporary house right now, can you stay there until you find another home ore are they going to rebuild your old house?
Keep going Maikala, you are doing great!


Nice! Congratulations on 2 weeks! :partying_face:


Congratulations to you on maintaining this focus on your own welfare despite everything that’s happened to you. You are killing it.


Wow! Awesome. The fact that when newly sober you faced something of that magnitude and kept going is an example to everyone who wants to stay sober. Thank you for sharing.


Congratulations Makaila,

What strength you have. I’m sure it’s not been easy but you are doing a fantastic job.
I’m cheering for you over here :pray::heart:

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You are truly a phoenix rising through the ashes; congrats on this milestone and enjoy the peace of mind knowing that you can handle anything :slight_smile:

2 weeks is such an achievement!! Especially with the fire happening you should be so proud for kicking ass when it counts the most

That is so awesome, especially considering your house in the beginning it must of been very hard to not give in, congratulations you deserve it

Congrats on 2 weeks sober especially during the big life events. You get thru this, you can get thru anything. Keep fighting the good fight! @TN2KY

I’m so happy for you, Makaila! You are such an inspiration, I truly admire your dedication and courage. Keep it going!:heart::heart::balloon::balloon::tada::tada:


Amazing effort reaching 2 weeks despite tragic circumstances. You are a shining example to new (and older) sober people like myself that there is no excuse to pick up the bottle when feeling down. This will be a character strengthening experience to help you take on more of life’s challenges.


Way to go with your incredible strength!! 2 weeks and going strong :muscle:t4::muscle:t4:
Congratulations on your sobriety :people_hugging::muscle:t4::tada::confetti_ball:

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Now you’re almost at 3 weeks! And if not, stop and start it all again. Perseverance is the prize (for me) and takes many forms.