2 years sober

So im here and so very proud to say ive been sober for 2 years…im writing this with great emotion cause this was one of the greatest gifts i have given myself …i got my life back…the great moments that i was present for were so much greater and the hard times seemed so much harder but i was there for them all and lived and grew from the experience…thats why we are here…it took me so many tries in the beginning but i just kept at it…feb 20th 2017 i was just done…in the beginning i would be reading the posts on here constantly and 1 day sober seemed like forever…it was hard but i was very determined …i had 3 kids and i did not want there memories of me as the mom who drank wine every night and then past out…the mom who didnt remember all the important moments cause she just wanted to have a glass…my kids deserved a great mom and i deserved to be that great mom…thanks to all the people who post there stories and are continuing to fight there battle…have a winderful day…i definitely will


Thats a great story… congratulations… so proud of you … x

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Congratulations! This is hard work paying off, right here. :slight_smile:

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Wow! 2 years! What a huge accomplishment my friend!

The road is rocky, sometimes almost impossible and impassible, but I’ll be damned if the better times aren’t worth it! Even the small, tiny, minute things that aren’t terrible seem like the peak of the highest mountain when we are clean.

Keep inspiring yourself, your family, and us! Congrats!


Well done, brilliant achievement. Be proud

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You are awesome! Congrats on getting your life back in your 2 years sober! You are an amazing inspiration! :heart:

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You got your life back. You got your dignity and self respect back. You got your strength back. You get to be the woman and mother that you knew you could be - and even more.

It doesn’t get much better than that, does it?

Huge congratulations on two years!


I am that girl in the beginning of my journey, reading all the posts here daily. I’m glad I came across yours, so inspirational! Congratulations and thank you for sharing :pray:


Keep coming back girl! Whatever it takes, you, too, can do this!


Awesome! :grinning::grinning:

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Beautifully put. Congrats on 2 years! Sobriety is the best gift we could ever give ourselves


fantastic! :slight_smile:


Congratulations. Thank you for sharing. Your story sounds a lot like mine. Im inspired! It is possible.


Thank you…and keep at this…you too will be celebrating these milestones…2 yesrs ago i would have never thought this was possible for me…we are all in this ride together so when you need some help ask for it…we are all here to get through this together!!! You got this my friend!


Hi Jacey

What tools/supports work for you? Thanks for your feedback. I’m a mother of 3 as well…wine is an issue made it too 44 days and had to reset yesterday.

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Suoer huge congratulations on your 2 years!!! Great work!!

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I had a very close friend that didnt drink…to be honest the only person in my life that didnt drink …i would call him every morning when i would get up and we would talk about all the bad thinks alcohol has done to my life then we would discuss all the positives it had on my new life…we did that everyday for about 2 months…i was constantly on here and seemed to be obsessed about documentaries on drinking…i read lots and started meditating which is something i do on the regular…i would talk about it all the time with my kids and i think that helped me stay accountable…i was a very honest person with everyone in my life about being an alcoholic and people were very supportive and i think it even made alot of my friends re evaluate there drinking…keep at it…i hit the reset button so many times but the fact is you are trying and those 44 days you were sober were days you won your fight…life is learning and you WILL get there…message me anytime and im here for you!!! Sending you power vibes!

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This is so awesome and inspiring!!! Congratulations and god willing ill join the 2 year club in July. Thank you for sharing!

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Wow!!! Congrats!!! 2 years is huge!!!

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Hi Jacey…
Thank you for your words of wisdom. This forum has definitely helped tremendously…I know O need to connect with a sponsot/,more supports. I also have recently started meditating and this helps with staying in the present. I as well have been discussing this illness with my children in age appropriate ways. I know I need to be more transparent with other friends and family…as I have isolated for so long…feeling too much guilt and shame. Thank you I think living honestly out loud with my recovery will do wonders.

Thank you for your offer of support…God Bless you snd keep up the good work. :hugs:

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