2 Years Today Alcohol Free! šŸ˜ *Binge Drinker*

Two years ago today I made the decision to give up alcohol. Iā€™m so proud of myself for what Iā€™ve achieved in those 2 years, including buying my own home and Iā€™ll soon be starting my new job.

I was stuck in a continous rut of going out binge drinking every weekend but at the same time I despised how drink made me feel and how it changed my personality. I was wasting my life away, had given up all the things I loved doing, I couldnā€™t see past a night out and thought all there was to look forward to at the weekend was drinking.

Drinking stripped me of my personality, my dignity, my money, my self respect and every ounce of my happiness.

My last night out drinking was the 19th of March 2020. I knew due to covid this would be my last night out for a while and I knew this could be my chance to confront my demons.

Lockdown allowed me to get my life back and allowed me to see there was more to life than spending every single penny in the pub.

Over the last 2 years since I gave up alcohol, Iā€™ve got back to doing the things I love the most including getting down to Old Trafford to see Man United, playing football, hill climbing and planning holidays and trips for the year ahead. None of this would have been possible if I was still binge drinking.

If I could offer my younger self any advice itā€™s that there is so much more to life than going to the pub every weekend and wasting your money.

Iā€™m so proud of myself for giving up drinking and I now have everything in my life I ever wanted. Iā€™m looking forward to a lifetime alcohol free and a happy future.

By giving up one thing, Iā€™ve gained everything.

Love always! :heart:


Thatā€™s an awesome post! Congrats on 2 years freedom from alcohol! It truly is amazing how much better life can be.



Huge congratulations on your two years and all that youā€™ve achieved!


What a wonderful post! Congratulations on your 2 years. :slightly_smiling_face::dizzy::tada:


Fantastic! Congrats on your two years :partying_face:


Congratulations on 2 years AF! :partying_face: You inspire people like me who are in early recovery. :clap:

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Well done Danny another Scottish guy doing well in his sobriety wish you well


Congratulations on 2 years!

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Wonderful man! So glad for you and living joyous, happy and free.

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Congratulations on 2 years :orange_heart::balloon::sunflower::bouquet::tada::kite::confetti_ball:
Thanks for sharing, such an inspirational post :pray:

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Congratulations :clap:t2::clap:t2::clap:t2: This is a brilliant share :ok_hand::pray:t2::two_hearts:


This is wonderful, congratulations on your two years!! Whatā€™s your favorite change over your last two years without alcohol? So so good!


Thank you for sharing!! And big congratulations on your 2 years!! You sound really happy and loving your new life!!!


Great post! Congratulations on 2 years! :tada:


Was right with youā€¦until you mentioned Man U. :wink:
Brilliant post. Really happy for you.


Amazing. So proud of you

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you rock

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Congrats on two whole years! Woohoo!

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Thank you guys for all your kind words, they mean the world to me :heart:


A bit late to your milestone party but congratulations!! :tada::tada:

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