20 months sober!

God is good. I was the hopeless addict that you thought would never make it this far. Remember, it’s one day at a time. My mother was already planning my burial plot by the time I was 17 I was so deep into my addiction. As years went by it got worse and worse. I became homeless, was an IV drug user, was stealing and committing crimes, in and out of treatment, in and out of the hospital because of my drug use. I was in psychosis and managed to overdose 3 times. I am lucky to be alive. Addiction doesn’t stop until it has taken everything from you, or until you are dead. So I went to treatment one last time, had a spiritual awakening that I believed in a Higher Power (God) and since then stopped having cravings except for one time last week. Only relapsed one time after getting 5 months clean and then really changed a lot of stuff that needed to change in my situation. I have stayed 20 months sober since that last relapse and I moved, got off social media, got into therapy, am now in DBT group therapy, go to NA over Zoom and will be going back in person next month to look for a sponsor or temporary sponsor, I am going to go to Celebrate Recovery with my roommate as soon as we get our transportation figured out (hopefully next month), I meditate everyday, I picked up new hobbies like knitting, cross-stitching. I got an emotional support animal that’s certified that’s a cat who is my best friend, I have a psychiatrist and am on medications because when I got sober my mental health symptoms started appearing because I wasn’t masking them and I got diagnosed with PTSD and Generalized Anxiety Disorder. I have a sober network that works for me that I can reach out to at any time and oh yeah, I quit smoking cigarettes for a little over a year as well. That’s everything that I can REMEMBER but my life is filled with blessings and there are more to come. Sobriety is the BEST gift :gift: I have ever received and I am going to do whatever it takes to fight for it everyday. Although the road may be long and hard, it is so worth it. Have an amazing day you guys.


Thank you for sharing! Looking good at 20 months, almost like a new lease on life glad to hear your doing great and your recovery is well maintained. It is such a blessing to have the chance to be sober and to be making it out the grips of addiction. Keep up the good work.:grinning::+1:

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Thank you!!! :grinning::grinning:

Thank you for sharing your story! 20 months is absolutely great!!

Congratulations!! :tada::tada::tada:

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Congratulations on 20 months thats amazing :hugs::slightly_smiling_face:

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Thank you so much! I appreciate the kind words!


Absolutely amazing :tada::tada:


Congratulations doesn’t seem adequate for such a monumental victory but CONGRATULATIONS :tada:

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we need pics of the best friend! :heart_eyes_cat:

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Congratulations!! :tada:
Your hard work and determination is paying off in every aspect of your life. That’s awesome!!


That’s amazing.

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Thank you!!!

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Meet my furry best friend, Birdie :blush::blush:


Yes it definitely is and that’s why I keep going! Thank you :blush:

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Thank you :grinning:

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birdie! those little feet, so scrumptious. :heart:

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Yeah lol gotta love her

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