2022 Roll Call -- Introduce yourself!

Hey! My name is Lindsey. I’m 63 days sober. Mom of 2 (9 year old and 8 months old). I’ve been struggling with addiction since I was 12. Starting with cigarettes and weed. At 21 it transitioned to alcohol after the death of my first child.
I have always been the “responsible” one. After I was abandoned by my parents at 16, I still finished high school with honors and eventually got my bachelor’s degree. Drugs and alcohol were tools for me to be able to numb the memory of abuse I experienced in childhood and turn-off my mind from adult responsibilities. I could put the kids to bed and then “check out” with a bottle of wine… until I couldn’t. Until I was drinking earlier and earlier every day.

I’ve been slowly sliding into deep addiction the past 12 years. Only realizing it the past 5 years. Only working on sobriety the past 3 years. Only sober 63 days. But I’m doing it. I’m not giving up.


Welcome and congrats on your 63 days Lindsey. This is a great community for support. I hope to see you around.

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Hello! I am Flannery, I am one month shy of having 2 years sober. I am 27 I started drinking/using at 14. My drugs of choice were heroin and meth IV. I went to treatment over 15 times, overdosed 4 times and almost died, did AA/NA, moved from city to city, went on maintenance, got put on 2 chemical dependency commitments by the state I live in because I was hospitalized so many times for my drug use. I was homeless, and I didn’t find my way until I surrendered to my Higher Power and asked for help to go back to treatment one final time where I really found my faith again. I go to meetings and pray everyday, and read the Bible. Sobriety is the best thing that ever happened to me.


Beautiful story of recovery… alot of pain I hear in ur story but then there’s such joy and gratefulness at the end! I’m so grateful ur here Flannery! :heartbeat:


Hi, I’m Miriam and I’m 4 days sober. I was in denial for a Very long time. I have come out of a major depression and am back at work after 14 months off.

I’m working on being honest with myself and have realized that if I have one beer it soon becomes six.

I have told
My husband that I am quitting drinking and am trying to stay away from his man cave because that’s where we’d hang out and have a few.

I also now have a weight loss battle to deal with as I gained 60 pounds while I was off and I know that it’s my beer belly. I know not drinking that many calories alone has to help!

Hanging in, hanging on, and hanging out,



Welcome Miriam.
Congratulations on your 4 days. This is a great community for support. I decided fat drunk and hungover was no way to enter my Bronze Age. I found this app. Joined the Noom app and I’ve be sober ever since and lost 40 pounds. Being sober certainly help me with my weight loss. We also have a thread here if you want to check it out. Weightloss CHECK IN : dont give up
Have a good read around. Join in when your comfortable.
I hope to see you around.

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Thanks so much! I’m there now! 50 and fighting! :grin:


Thank you Dana :grinning: yeah there was a lot of bad but it turned into good. God can always turn bad around for good. Thanks for the nice words.


Hi, my name is Bart, 41, originally from the netherlands, now living in the south of portugal. I’m busy quitting alcohol, almost at 6 months now. I had an 8 month stretch before although i can’t really call it that because i cheated twice in that period. The difference is back than i saw it is a ‘break’ of the drinking habit, without the intention of actually quitting. Now i really want to quit, feel the need to change, am prepared to put in difficult work.
During the week i spend full days on the field, producing veggies for the local market. It’s the first time in my life i am actually able to and even happy to have a full time job. Before, work i saw as something standing in the way of getting drunk, living out my rock n roll lifestyle, playing in bands, touring, gigs etc.
Now, i just want to live a calm and healthy life, enjoy nature. I want to have my own little homestead farm some day. But first things first, i have a lot to work on still.


Hello my name is Bri. Today is my first day on here. My clean date is 06/28/2020. I’m 28 I work full-time, I live in Washington state and hoping to make friends on here that may be able to help when times get tough. So proud of everyone on here :muscle::muscle::muscle: ODAT


Welcome to the community! This place is amazing and I know that I wouldn’t still be sober without it. Glad you’re here!

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I’m Sophia, 30, I’ve been lurking on this site since late December and finally got serious so got an account. I did the whole let’s seriously get sober rant. It’s been a weird 2 weeks but here I am. I’ve just been staying away from it all. The bars, friends and just trying to stay strong… my mind is everywhere but I did that to myself… it’s so tough but I don’t want to go out and do what I did.

The only thing I wish to really say for now is I broke up with my boyfriend a week ago. We were toxic as fuck, like the both of us.

Day 14.


Welcome Sophia!!! That must have been tough but it sounds like u are beginning to put urself 1st now. Congratulations on 2 weeks!!!

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When I took a step back the past 3 weeks, well its been lingering for 4 months now. I realized somewhere how much of a mess everything was and is. It is a tough and really sadd moment to go but I don’t want this mess anymore or the toxicity.


Hi everyone, I’m Jon. Thank you for your support, honesty and fellowship

I am 45 and have been trying to get sober for too long. Usual cycle of few days/weeks then just the one little tiny drink and predictable catastrophe!

I have an amazing wife and 2 beautiful children - a great job and have spent the last 20 years trying to destroy it all with alcohol. So tired of it all and sick of living in my head.

Last year I started attending online meetings and was lucky enough to find a sponsor who has really helped me. They have always said it only works when you honestly and truly commit to the program. I thought I had but several relapses down the line realised I was still putting self will first

Had a disaster a few days ago and now only have 3 days sober

But I’m going to keep trying because I can’t live like this any more. I know life can be happy and worth living and I know I can be a good father and husband but I know I can’t do this alone. So thank you for letting me be here


My name is Adam I’m from the UK. My DOC is alcohol and painkillers. My relationship with alcohol began early iny teens but my painkiller addiction has been ongoing for about 10 years today I can say that I am 35 days free of alcohol and 39 days free of painkillers and this is the longest in 21 years I have gone substance free.


Hey @BostonGirl - fellow New Englander! I’m in Rhode Island :hugs: I love laughing, animals and pizza too :rofl:

Bob, here for the Beta, and still coming back. Longest 100 days AF, currently Day 9


Be strong. I know this post was days ago but I can relate.

Hello, I’m T. Today will be day ONE of many more. I got this app because it said there was a great community of people just like me in the reviews. I need that. I drink and if I don’t stop I think I may loose the bond I have with my husband. Everywhere I turn there is alcohol. That’s been my excuse for months. That I can’t stop when it’s around me. But I’ve realized that I have to live for me and not let other people’s decisions reflect on my life. I’m the one who has to live it. I want to feel good. Every. Single. Day. Thanks for reading. Prayers for everyone on here. :heart: