2023/24 Hiking Club (Walking Sober)

:joy: I’ll have a guess at Win Hill. Only reason is it’s one of our favourite routes and Lady Bower(?) in the background.
I’m certainly no stato with trig points but the two you’ve posted I took a lucky guess and you gave a nice hint with the first one being on Eyam Moor.
We were in Elton/Winster on Friday, had a nice lunch in the Druids.

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It is indeed Win Hill :clap: And yep, that’s Ladybower in the background. Great views today. Started snowing when we got to the top so we started a hasty decent :snowflake:
We are trying to check off all the Trig Pillars in the Peak District with the kids. We’re on 10 of about 88. A few more to go… :flushed:
Very nice. I think we’ll be down to near Bakewell / Matlock next weekend as we have friends in the area :heart: X


Very beautiful. But also very muddy and cold today. We were treated to a bit of snow at the top :cold_face: X


Nice, but I do understand actually it can be quite scary and you need to get down pretty quickly when the mist or rain sets in. When we climbed the Old Man of Storr it was nice on the way up then at the very very top, hail and freezing wind. Super dangerous steep paths in wet cold weather so we also beat a hasty retreat. Can’t imagine how bad it gets in a total whiteout :astonished: dangerous but beautiful! Our weather is nuts!

On the way up…

A few minutes before I couldn’t see at all for hail and wind over 600 metres up as I even overshot the old man to get the view of the descent!

Worth the view though


Snow! It’s not the warmest of places on a nice day so a hasty retreat would definitely be on the cards.
I wish we’d done the trig points when our boys were younger, we used to spot them on walks but didn’t really take notice of them until a mate tried to tick them all off a few years ago. Tens great, only another 78 to go! Bet the kids love it.

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That looks stunning

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Not as scenic as others on here, but a nice 5 mile circular around Elton, Winster and Birchover


@Tragicfarinelli Those views are incredible !! That’s definitely one to add to the walking bucket list :heart:
Yeah the speed that the weather swings from one extreme to another can’t be underestimated. It’s like a different climate on the tops sometimes :flushed: My hubby and I have been walking in the Peaks since we were in secondary school (going on 25 years :flushed:) and are still humbled by the power and unpredictability of nature :pray: Wonderful but demands respect :heart:
@LeoLeo That’s a nice shot :ok_hand:
Yeah we started last winter when my youngest was still in a carrier :rofl: They’re both doing really well and were chuffed to conquer the ‘mountain’ today :rofl::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Only 20 mins from me :raised_hands:

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It’s on my list :raised_hands:

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Nice !! :heart_eyes: X

I guess this is the most recent Hiking Club (Walking Sober.)

We went rogue today. Just walking down the street and we saw a trail at a cross walk. Thought we’d check it out.

Pretty pretty pretty pretty nice :blush:

Have I mentioned how much I like the marine layer? Not to brag. @JazzyS Ok maybe a little :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Another 2 hoodie day :blush:

There are trails all over the place.

Headed home

Can’t wait to get settled and explore.


Omg I love this…go ahead and brag! So glad you had the opportunity to get out and explore…so cool to have so many trails right in your back yard so to speak.

Thanks for sharing

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Went exploring again for just a few minutes on our walk.

Went on Parkview Trail

Not much of a view of the park today

Then I took a pic of the trail marker so I could google it. I didn’t see the snail when I took the pic.


Took a new route on our walk today.

And back


In the last couple of weeks and next couple of months we are training for our big summer adventure, the Caminho de Santiago… it will be a 250Km adventure in 10 days… we are training hard to have a soft “Caminho”!


I would be delighted if you had the time to share some pictures with us from your trip.

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That’s a great goal to work/walk towards to!
Read a lot about that walk and what such a walk can “bring” you. Are you are going to walk it together?
And yes: pictures are deffinitely needed!! :sunglasses:

Sure i will. But we will only do it in september.

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It’s a family project… me, my wife and my (at the time) 10yo son.