2023/24 Hiking Club (Walking Sober)

Did a nice hike today. Not much elevation or length but I felt the technical aspect in the end as my concentration was gone.
It was for most of the part such a lovely hike. So few people. I have no idea what people do here on Easter Sunday. Only some people with dogs.

And it was so diverse. Almost no water in the river where I started and already 1 km upstream, water and nature getting green.


Did this 7 km hike yesterday with 280 elevation meters.

Sometimes there where ladders.
We had to hike near the waterside at some stones almost falling into the water because the water was too high and the path was gone. Some people turned around because they didn’t dare to.

Cool @ShadowFax you are going to walk the Pieterpad, I have it on my wish list as well.


Springtime in Tennessee. This is a beautiful nature park 15 minutes from my house.


What part of Tennessee? I used to live in Rogersville and Knoxville. Smokey Mountains as you know are pretty close to Knoxville, and I used to go on a Tuesday or Wednesday when the tourists weren’t around. Like having the Garden of Eden to myself. :grin:


I’m in Chattanooga. I’ve been to the Smokies a couple times.


That looks like an great adventure :muscle:t3:

I am planning to walk the whole track of the Pietpad in May, this is on my wish list for years. I think I’m mentally an fiscally finaly read for it :wink:

@Planipennia Yes in The Nethlands we have long distances tracks aswell, this track goes from the far north all te way down to to border with Belgium. And at he end it has for Dutch concepts a large hill of 100 meters :yum:


Funny how it would be such a treat to get time to go to the Arb for a walk…now i get to explore it 2 x’s a week…so blessed. Looking forward to the spring foilage :heart_eyes:


I want to say that i have finally got the last part of the puzzle for my hiking and wild camping kit, but somehow i think that will change !


A lovely wildflower-search hike yesterday.


Today I organised all my kit together for my long distance hike. I packed it al in my backpack and it fitted perfectly and I have some space left for food :yum:.

My bag weighs 15kg without food and water.
I cut down on alot of stuff which are not essential.

I train almost daily now with my backpack and do distances between 10k and 15k to get used to the weight on my shoulders.

I am excited and just cant wait to go on my adventure :hugs: Two more weeks :sunglasses::innocent:


That is stunning! :heart_eyes:

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Wow this sounds heavy plus 2 to 3 kg of food/water. I am looking forward to your updates. Hope you keep us updated. :upside_down_face:


I wil send resupply packages along the track to collect every week with basic stuff like oats, nuts, seeds and soya powder which I will eat for breakfast. And Couscous for dinner. Fresh vegetables I will buy allong the route. Trying to save some weight :blush:.

And of course I will send updates about my adventure so now and then :v:t2::wink:


I am insanely jealous/inspired by everything happening here. Please send pics from your adventure and travel safely. How long is the trek?


My brother and I did our first orienteering event at a regional park today! It was super fun but I didn’t take pictures, I always forget about that. We both had fun even though it was cold and rainy :slight_smile: there was a potential for snow which we didn’t get, and in among the trees it’s not so blustery. I’m really looking forward to the next event and exploring other local regional parks.


Nice kit! What’s your gear list? I recognize the Big Agnes logo on the tent, but can’t ID anything else.


For if you are interested. I follow this Dutch guy on Insta. He is in recovery like us and a walker :grin:
An impressive walker I look up to.


Wow that’s an amazing adventure! :astonished::pray:


Not much elevation but 25 km of very diverse hiking with lots of frogs mating or however they do this :see_no_evil: (I guess that’s why they were so loud).


Awesome flowers!

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