21 days in but wanting to drink

Getting cravings to drink today, on holiday for 3 weeks sun is out. :expressionless::expressionless::expressionless::expressionless::expressionless:


I agree with ChrisR, you stopped drinking for a reason. Try to remember why you stopped. Drinking offers you pain, hangovers, anxiety and worse. Once we let go of the fantasy of drinking (it is fun, it relaxes me, it makes me less shy) and truly get the reality of drinking (hangovers, bad choices, messing up our physical, mental and emotional health and relationships, making an ass of ourselves, hurting ourselves or others, and more)…once we get real about our drinking, we can start building a life we are proud to be present in.

Let go of the fantasy and embrace your new sober life…I know it is challenging, but working thru the hard parts strengthens us. There is so much more to life. :heart:


Thanks guys the support is real on here I feel like I’m not trying to kid myself now.


It can be a real life saver, no joke!! A great place to turn when our minds get messy.

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Don’t drink! If you open that sliding glass door there’s nothing but misery.

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If you drink you’ll look back on the holiday and think how you ruined it, it will be your main memory of the vacation.

Don’t do it


The sun’s gonna come back out tomorrow too. Only difference is you’ll feel like shit all over again and won’t be able to enjoy it. Perfect time to find out how much more you’ll get done and how much more enjoyable your vacation will be without the booze. Keep checking in


Thanks guys appreciate it

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Maybe try ameeting get plenty of face to face support there wish you well