21 Days...NO WAY!

Good morning! I cannot believe I’m doing it!!! I’m actually successful in getting sober again :heart: Its been a few years since I quit this long and it hits really different this time.

Maybe it’s because I’ll be 49 next month, I don’t know. I like to believe it’s because I’ve come to recognize that life is fragile and I’m so appreciative of my family, my health, my job, and this second chance. Things could’ve really gone bad for me. I almost lost it all. I was that close. I’ve set goals for myself and I’m motivated to see them come to fruition.

Last night I went out to a bar with my group. They all know I’m doing “Dry January”. I haven’t told them that my plan will be to continue and right now it’s none of their business :rofl: I say that because I asked the bartender for cranberry juice and lots of ice. My brother-in-law said there’s no vodka in that, give up, you gave it a go, 20 days is enough, we won’t judge you…I’m sitting there slightly appalled. Played it off and said no thanks, I’m good and thanks for your support and encouragement.

He wasn’t joking. He was really trying to get me to drink. I felt disgusted. It gave me the motivation to say shove up it up your ass, I’m better than this…in my thoughts anyway. He makes me mad. He’s been busting my chops since I stopped drinking. This is what I’ve come to understand, he’s angry with me for something he is unwilling or unable to do. He will sit at the table and say to us all we are all alcoholics here, everyone at this table is an alcoholic. I hate when he does that!! He’s not wrong but I’ve always been uncomfortable saying that about myself. And I refuse to be one. Maybe it’s denial, idk but I’m working on the innards of that.

For the first time ever I finally listened to a podcast on alcoholism. I’d refuse in the past. Now I recognize that it was due to fear. I’m realizing and learning so much about myself in the past few weeks. I also understand that since it’s been about 3 years that I’ve really been completely sober I’m a different person so I’m getting to know my “newer” self if that makes sense?

Thank you to everyone for their advice. It took a little time to do it but I did. Especially to the person that suggested the podcast. It hit hard when I listened and then more determination set in. Chosing sobriety is the right choice. I’m just not existing in this big ol’ world. It’s allowing me to live again, to experience, and to feel the rush of happiness and gratitude in my spirit. I’m creating my space, the space where I will thrive.

Thanks for reading. ODAAT!


Good on you and boo on him.

Why people are threatened by someone else trying to better themselves has always baffled me. It definitely speaks volumes about them imho.

I wish you well on this journey of life, three weeks is huge. I’m at 2 weeks currently and it’s Friday, so that’s my biggest struggle. Always been a Friday night celebrator, though I’m not really sure what I was celebrating.

Looking forward to matching your 3 weeks success and continuing from there and my hope is you always remain that week ahead of me.

Best wishes


This is such a great post to read, I just :heart: it! I am so happy for you!!! Congratulations on sticking with it, keep stringing together those days of freedom. And those people who want you to stay stuck are just acting from their own fear, glad you can see through that BS.:muscle:t3::dizzy:


I was told early sobriety stay away from pubs and clubs , drinkers dont understand us as youve found out wish you well


Congratulations on 3 weeks! Absolutely amazing :star_struck:

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Yes this is true. To be perfectly honest for a split second I thought about caving in but snapped back to reality and literally yelled at myself REMEMBER WHY YOU STARTED. I’ll be making wiser decisions in the future. Thank you for the reminder.


Thank you!

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Definitely let’s keep going, its going to get better and so worth it.


Your response is awesome and appreciated!

Great to hear you - I relate so much and feel every of you words, in the beginning are so many unanswered questions and days get running and recovery works :four_leaf_clover:best wishes and thank you for sharing.


Keep going, you are doing great and building confidence! It is really inspiring to see! :heart::hugs:

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so true friend - i am sorry that he was so persistent and made you feel disgusted. Those who are unable to take control of their lives or feel like they are losing a drinking buddy will lash out. For me, i have had to distance myself from these people. I am grateful you were able to stick to your guns and keep your counter going - 3 weeks is amazing work!
The sober journey is not only about abstaining from our DOC but also reconnecting with ourselves and learning about “us” for maybe the first time. Enjoy the journey :hugs:
We got your back here - looking forward to celebrating many more milestones with you :muscle:


This above made me think about my brother talking me into a drink at his birthday years ago.
I felt irritated at first but he kept insisting so I declined multiple times. Then he said: do’nt spoil my party and be more fun and drink some!
I decided to say It ones and for all, loud and clear. This time I said it blunt: I am addicted to alcohol and I do not want to drink ever again so do not offer me drinks please. I will never forget his face, but he never offered me a drink again :sweat_smile:
It’s stupid that I needed to be this hard to make myself clear. But I think we live in a country (at least I do) where it’s normal to drink and strange if you don’t. But I see that changing a bit in the years. I think drinking becomes the new smoking and people do see that it’s unhealthy.
We are trendsetters :sweat_smile:

So welcome to the modern people, the influensers and congratulations with your :two::one: days :confetti_ball::confetti_ball::confetti_ball:


Congratulations sober fellow, great achievement, there is no showstopper standing your way as it’s well settled in your head, mindset. Very inspirational :blush:

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I really enjoyed reading ur post! Thank u for sharing. And a huge congratulations on ur 3 weeks of sobriety!
Ive experienced this also where a friend was trying to persuade me to use drugs and drink. Misery loves company i suppose and i completely agree with u in that ur brother in law is trying to get u to return to drinking bcuz hes angry he cant quit or that it makes him feel inadequate about himself and his drinking. Proud of u for standing ur ground and not allowing someone to have that kind of power over u and ur decisions. I used to feel somewhat ashamed that I was an addict. But today i am grateful that I am a recovering addict bcuz without my experiences, i would have never learned how to truly appreciate life and be grateful for all i have today. We can use our experience, strength, and hope to help others like ourselves and that is such a gift! Wishing u all the best as u continue on with ur journey :slight_smile:


Hey, we’re here for each other, we can relate! How are you doing, been a few days….

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Hi there! Thanks for checking on me, I appreciate it. I’ve been working long hours to meet a deadline but today will be 29 days :yellow_heart: The husband went out to the bar on Wednesday with our group and I happily picked up pizza and came home to hang with my kids (14, 20 & 22). I felt good about my decision. I was on time to work the nexr day and he was hung over and late. I do NOT miss messing up like that! Onward and upward eh?


Hooray for Country! I’m a Treebilly (yep, us hicks that live in the real big trees). It’s a great day when we know that we don’t have to, or need to drink anymore!
Stick to your guns, tell the brother-in-law he’s right, but he’s gonna keep getting sicker if he keeps at it, but you hope he can stop too someday.
I’m a simple alcoholic with a simple approach too. I don’t listen to me anymore when it comes to drinking or using. I listen to you guys and the fellowship.
Have a great weekend!


Great hearing back from ya. Now I have hankering for some pizza! Keep rocking it, 29 days is wonderful :muscle:t3::muscle:t3::heart:

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Thanks for sharing. Which podcast is it?