23 Days Sober, Before and after pictures

23 days sober!

This was my 22 days sober picture, feeling great!


This was a picture when I was always fucked up. What a difference. Don’t mind the birds I tried to replace them with arrows, haha! This was me heavy into the bar scene and just getting into Cocaine on a regular basis. Im so lucky I was never caught and pulled over for a D-Dub.

Change is a GOOD thing.


You look great and peaceful. Even you hair looks more relaxed. I’m glad you decided to join us. Welcome I look forward to sharing with you.


Wow what a difference, you look so much more at peace with yourself, your face and eyes have a true life to them and not that broken, tired and bloated look. Hope to keep seeing you around here

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I love this!!! Good job

Thanks so much, Onto bigger, better things!

You look 100% better. Well done you :+1:

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Change is a good thing definitely! :facepunch:
You look great!
Your second picture makes me sad, because you look so sad. Thank god you made that change!!

I definitely was upset, I was cheated on and left in the dust for a meth head that also shot up. her loss my gain. I didn’t take care of myself after that and I was careless. I thank god for helping me through to see light again.

Everything was declining, only way i was helping myself was getting wasted to cover my problems up. It wasn’t worth it. I was getting more sad doing it. Begging and crying out for help. I made the change and im so glad I did.

My dad use to be a big drinker and violent behavior. He is sober too now, he seen alot of shit in thr war of desert storm though. I didn’t want to end up a bad guy and an alcoholic and coke head forever. I seen the ugly side.

I miss the fun I was having, but the high or feeling drunk. This is why I think people relapse, and why its so hard to quit something trust me, i struggle too. But i know whats good for me and whats not. And I know how upset i would be if I reset my clock. I would check myself back into detox. I promised myself I would If I ever did, this also helps me not to give up. 52 hours in detox isnt very fun, but it makes you think, deep.

Heres to 2019


Clean and sober looks good on you - well done. Keep coming back! :hearts::+1::bird:


Well done you look soo much better, healthier and at one holistically within yourself… keep it going!

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