24 days sober at age 24

24 days sober, 24 years old, mentally i am struggling, i am sober as me and my gf had a fight and we decided that we dont need drink, we both were going sober to work on our selves, she gave in after a few days, she admitted too me that she was using drugs behind my back during the fight , i am very against it due to my cousin dying from drugs, i feel betrayeded, she apologised and i took her apology but deep down i am struggling to come to terms of the hiding of it, im frustrated and feel it coming out in me, we have a puppy and he’s keeping me from going insane, i dont know what else too do tho.


Great job on 24 days! I feel for your situation. When I originally quit drinking, and still with my ex, I realized how much was fogged over by the booze. So much was coming to light. He still drank and was also using drugs behind my back. I’d find paraphernalia and he would lie about it straight to my face. I was more upset about that then him using. Trust is a hard thing to regain.

I wasn’t able to forgive him, even 2 years after we split, until I accepted my truth 100%. Alcohol controls me. I am not my own person when I drink. I lied all the time regarding my DOC. Yet was so mad over someone doing the same to me. That’s when I was able to take a step back and realize that he was being controlled too. We were both sick people.

I know it’s hard, and distracting, but just try and focus on yourself. You are #1 when it comes to your sobriety. Don’t let anything get in your way. Keep going strong and you’re mind will keep getting clearer and clearer. Go give that puppy a hug :smile: He deserves a sober owner.


At first sorry for the loss of your cousin, that’s so sad :sweat:
It’s difficult to stay sober/clean when someone is using beneath the same roof. Many more people here struggle with that and are supporting eachother with that here on this thread: Are you affected by a loved one who’s an addict? Feel free to join! They welcome you there :people_hugging:
Keep in mind it can be done. Focus on your recovery, day by day. Make yourself a good example to show the way for her too.