24 Days sober today but feeling kinda triggered

Super proud to be 24 days sober from alcohol, cocaine, marijuana and cigarettes. I never thought I could do it but here I am today and it’s actually getting so much easier than when I first started, my addictions took complete control of my life for 5 years. It feels good to see sober me when I wake up in the morning and don’t want to instantly be buzzed out of my mind. However, after all these years of abusing my body I’ve developed really bad eczema and I feel like I’ve tried everything for it including my diet, increasing water intake and visiting the GP so it’s kinda getting me down and triggering me. Hopefully it goes away with time. Just happy I’m 24 days sober


Good for you on 24 days. It feels good doesn’t it? One day at a time.

I don’t have a suggestion for the eczema myself but I just want to say I hear you. Feeling dissatisfied about our bodies is a hard feeling :neutral_face: but you’re keeping it in perspective and that’s important :+1:

Take it one day at a time and don’t give up (about sobriety, or skin). You’ll find what you need.

Aaaaand - I just thought of this - there are people here on Talking Sober who have a passion for skincare - maybe they have ideas? Here’s a thread:


Congrats man. I’m 18 days in. First 2 weeks were hell. Feeling a better now.


Congratulations on 24 days, sorry to hear you are having skin issues. Have you tried taking an antihistamine tablet? They do the one a day tablets over the counter here in the uk. I hope it clears up for you soon, try to stay strong and keep going with your sobriety. You are doing amazingly well, let’s keep walking forward together….one step at a time xx


Congratulations on Day 25, that is an amazing achievement! I totally get the frustration with your skin. I am on Day 12 and so spotty, with my dermatitis flaring (I realise eczema is harder to deal with).

I don’t really have any real advice, and sure you have tried everything. I know my daughter (10) had very bad eczema until she went on a low dairy diet (ate cheese but not yoghurt, ice cream). It cleared very quickly so if that does help it is a quick fix. Old wives tale but some basis of truth - wee helps. Totally gross but I got rid of some that way in my teens :grimacing:

I am sure that as your body has less of the toxins to deal with, you will see more benefits. Good luck!

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Hey Elliot awesome effort on your journey to 24 days :star2:

I’m not sure where you are located but I am in Australia and cannot recommend these 2 creams highly enough. I battled finding something that would work effectively for years and these 2 creams are the only thing that actually make a massive difference. You don’t need a prescription for them and can be bought from the chemist or online.