First 24 hours, still riding my guilt trip and mistakes from this weekend. I was really depressed yesterday, today a little better. Trying to come up with a plan for a better me. Love you all.
Hey way to go on completing ur 1st 24 hours just focus on taking it one day at a time. Glad ur here!
Nice work on your first 24 hours! The great thing is tomorrow will be better, and the next day better still. Just hang in there. I was really depressed and ashamed when I recently reset and came here, and between the support and kindness here and being able to feel the effects physically of the positive change I was making for myself, I feel like there’s so much to look forward to now. Stick with it, and you’ll be glad you did.
Great, and looking at the timer, coming up on the second day. Just keep stacking those sober days, odaat.
I am right there with you. You’re not alone.
You are doing amazing. It definitely isn’t easy but you can do it if you stay strong!!!