24 hours sober ❤️‍🩹

Today is my first day sober this isn’t the first time I’ve been sober I was drinking a gallon of whiskey a day for close to 3 years


Hey congrats on 24 hours, keep it going :slightly_smiling_face:. You deserve a sober, happy, healthy life!


Thank you :blush:


Congratulations on your 24 hours and counting! Welcome to the community!

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Congrats on your frist day! You got this! :muscle::green_heart:

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Welcome aboard Laura! It’s a good day to not drink and we all started with day one. Now that’s a lot to just stop cold. You have any seizure history when you quit before?

Please be careful and consider asking for help from the ER or urgent care (if your in the states).

The decision to do life differently was the best thing I could ever have done, but I had to do it with help. Hugs!

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Congratulations on your first (of many) 24 hours!! So happy for you :slightly_smiling_face: one day at a time, step by step.

Remember a lot of people have been here before and it’s ok to ask for/get help.

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Welcome here Laura :raising_hand_woman:
Glad you found this helpful tribe :wink:
Take your time to get used to this forum and the people in it. Read, there is plenty of info to find about addiction in every form and how to deal with it but also funny treads to read to fill in time we normally used to drink ore use.Checking in daily to maintain focus #62
I highly recomend the tread above to read and join! It’s very active and suportive. I use it almost every day to check in sober and be accountable.
Feel free to join!

Congratulations with your 1 day sober! :confetti_ball:

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24 hours feels like a life time when your quitting bc you have to not bc you want to, you flip that on its head and quit bc you want to not bc you have to it’s a whole different prepective. Congratulations here’s to another 24 hours today.

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