25 days sober - I'm feeling really irritable and would love some advice

Hello, I’m 25 days sober today, I have long term depression so expected this to get a bit worse but I didn’t know I would feel this irritable, are there things I can do to tackle this or do I just need to ride it out?


Congratulations on 25 days - thats awesome! Be proud of yourself, and be kind to yourself - youve got this!

Im certainly no expert, but ive been listening to many many podcasts and i dont think its unusual to feel low while your brain is adapting to not relying on alcohol (or doc)
I try to fill those times with ‘self care’ (i hate that term - dont know why) and do something. Walk, take photos of beautiful things, find a binge worthy box set, do a beauty thing - face pack / nails / something ive neglected over the years.
Its not a magic wand but finding a little moment of something awesome does help. For me a book, a coffee and a square of my favourite super indulgent chocolate is good. Im trying to make everything at home cosy too - littke stuff like candles, flowers, a new cushion.
This week ive been watching watercolour tutorials and might have a go! Im early days at this and at this point its try anything and hope to find a new passion that fills the gap in my evenings which are my personal trigger point.


I hear ya, my friend! I’ve been battling with depression for years (I’m bipolar and borderline), and although I’m only on day 17, I’m noticing some positive signs. Your 25 days sober is awesome, just keep on fighting, it will get better!

Have you talked to your doctor about your condition? Meds could really helo for your depression and lots walking/running etc.

All the best! You got this!


Hey Mr Moustache,

thank you :slight_smile: and congrats on your 17 days. your so close hitting 3 weeks!!!
I drank to escape depression and it just made it so much worse in the long run.
I’m just loving waking up hangover free at the moment. Sleep was really hard at first too but i’ve noticed that getting better too.
So nice to be able to talk to people going through the same thing.

We’ve got this!!!


Hey Maylem,
I’m not a fan of the term self care either but totally get it, I have been making my home more comfy too.
Like you I find evenings the most difficult, I want to build the confidence to join some clubs maybe and discover what I like doing.
I have spent my evenings in a drunken state for so long I feel like I need to get to know myself again.
At the moment i’m just taking pleasure in waking up without a hangover, accepting that this is a long process and trying to celebrate the little wins.
Thanks for your message, it’s so nice to speak to people going through the same thing.


I could have written that myself!
Im at 39 days in now and actually look forward to going to bed with a good book knowing i’ll wake up without that internal battle/guilt/regret
Im with you about finding yourself too - i think after years of numbing everything with drink i dont really know what i like! But. We’ll get there and im certain theres something amazing out there and we’ll wonder why we didnt do this sooner x

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At first it’s absolutely normal to feel like this in the beginning of your recovery. Your brain is still adapting functioning without alcohol.

So it will be better! Hang on!
This info below I use sometimes to help improve my own mental state:

Maybe you see something you can try?


Hi Liz! Thank you for the reply. Good to hear it’s getting better. And yeah, waking up without a hangover is such a great feeling!

And hell yeah, we got this!


great advise thank you

Pretty irritable with hubby here lol. I’m hoping it gets better. I hope yours does too. I just try to think of all the positive benefits