27 hrs down already want to reset

Hi @kdub1969 I’m not near you, but I’m glad you’re here. I love this app and the people in here. They help me staying strong and motivate me a lot. Please check in as often as needed. There’s always someone to talk to or an interesting thread to read. I find the checking in daily to maintain focus thread very helpful. Hope to see you there soon :wink: Have a great sober Sunday :+1:

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How goes it this beautiful Sunday morning @kdub1969? How was last night? I know Saturdays can be super hard for me. Do you have any sober plans for today?

Hey bro, Meth is my addiction also. Hang in there and if you need to chat, hit me up. :pray::pray:

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To anyone struggling. Please stick with it. Life gets so much better. 7 months ago I was locked in an apartment with another addict just waiting to die. Heroin is my DOC. I had no friends. No ties with my family and was in and out of being homeless.

Today I have a great group of friends. A sober living apartment. A job. And a purpose. When I was using I was resigned to dying alone. Not I’m in a position, though not advised, where I am building relationships that are meaningful. This presents it’s own group of problems, but with being clean and having a higher power I actually feel like the right thing will happen.


Went and visited my daughter and grand kids today. Still sober and feeling good. Thanks for caring enough to ask. Hope everyone is doing well.


Super cool man!

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Still sober. Reality is setting in that I’m jobless. Soon I’ll be homeless and without transportation. If i don’t find a job soon this will be my life. I’m really worried.

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Have you applied for unemployment? Try and keep your head up and think positive, even if it’s weighing you down. Things will get better. \(○^ω^○)/

I’m trying to stay positive but it’s becoming increasingly harder.

I’m ineligible for unemployment.

I’ve been sober for 5 days now. Just took a home drug test and I STILL show positive. WTF?

I don’t know how these tests work - but you are definitely hesding to a clean test by staying sober :rainbow: