27 hrs down already want to reset

Being alone at home is a capital TRIGGER. Boredom and loneliness straight up suck. Maybe I should just call it a night so I’m not tempted. Thoughts?

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Don’t pick up. Keep talking to people on here or call people. Let them know how you are feeling. Just don’t drink.

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Way to come here before resetting! If the evening is too much for you, can you do something to relax? Hot shower or bath? Sometimes I just decide to go to bed and try to meditate until I fall asleep. Stay strong! You CAN do this!

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Drinking is not my addiction, it’s Methamphetamine. But I feel you. Thanks.


Think I’ll try listening to some up beat music…The Struts.

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Proud of you. It gets better. Whenever I have cravings this song is one of many on my playlist of music to listen to. :slight_smile:

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Sleeping is as good as two meetings. No matter how hard I tried when I was using I never could find a way to get high in my sleep


Are you ever going to sleep again?

From my personal experience too long. My second rehab I went 6 days without a wink of sleep. In 23 days I’d say the most I got was 4 hours in a night. My body started shutting down and I would collapse in random places.


I’m overwhelmed with so many peoples response. It almost makes me want to cry. Wow blown away right now. Thank you. sniff sniff. that’s the crying kind not the getting high kind.


Going to sleep now. SOBER. I got this. Goodnight to everyone. Big hugs!


How are you doing today @kdub1969?

@Hope0110 I’m staying strong. Thanks for asking. Probably not a bad idea to check in on me on occasion.


I can definitely do that! My name is Hope, btw. I’m glad you’re staying strong. You’ve got this! Check in as much as you need to.

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Try to keep busy and dont worry too much about sleep or you will never sleep.

I used sleep hypnosis on youtube and sleep apps from google play. I did no caffeine or sugar after 7. I would watch TV, play games and randomly clean to stay busy at night. I had a hard time reading too much at first but read a lot after a few days.

Hobbies, I took up a historical hobby of my local area, now I am one of the leading amateur historians! It kept me really busy in the beginning.

Keep at it, it gets better and easier for any harmful addiction.


I found that coloring helps me. I’ve became so good at it I even bought myself an expensive set of Prismacolor pencils


Glad you woke up sober Brother. I’m gonna tag you in another thread where many of us check in daily with eachother:)


7 days in 2 hours and thus, my first full weekend sober. This is the weakest I’ve felt since I began this journey. It seems like everyone is celebrating cinco de mayo/their weekend. I’m surprised to find myself angry that I’m not partaking because I’ve been so motivated and determined. That’s why I came on here tonight. It has eased the cravings a bit, I hope it has for you too. One day at a time.


Don’t do it.I had to reset 4days ago after 6 months of sobriety and it wasn’t worth it.Being sober isn’t always easy but it’s worth it.


Anyone near me? I’m located in Fort Worth Texas.