28 days sober (alcohol,cocaine,weed,cigs)

Feeling pretty optimistic! Never thought I’d make it a month without drugs. Finally feeling like myself facing my problems head on instead of avoiding them. Here’s to a future I never thought I’d have :smile:


Great job!!! You’ve already made it through the hardest first 21 days! I’m on day 16 from alcohol and it’s been amazing so far! Keep going, stay busy and just focus on a healthy lifestyle!!:muscle:t4:


That’s awesome! Keep up the hard work :muscle:


:partying_face: :boom: :tada: 4 weeks and sobriety is looking on you!! :tada: :boom: :partying_face:


Hi, This is wonderful, 4 weeks, 2 days into your first 30 days, keep up the good work friend, your mood and optimism change, emotions and circumstances will come that make us feel powerless in life, in people, in family, in ourselves, but without using drugs and alcohol everything is easier. Nowadays, for me, getting to bed without a hangover, without the sadness of a post-party slump, without a stuffy nose, or with blood on my shirt, is worth more than any fleeting moment that drugs gave me.

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:tada: Congratulations !!! :tada: That’s awesome !!
You may want to write down how you’re feeling so you can refer back to it ! :sunny:

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Congratulations :slightly_smiling_face:

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That’s insane! Congrats! :partying_face::partying_face: it’s only up from here :slight_smile:

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Congrats :ok_hand::clap:t2::two_hearts:

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Great effort. Well done.

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Congrats. That’s awesome. I’m 21 days in. It’s a battle everyday but seems like it gets a little easier everyday.


Great work. I just hit 30 days no alcohol. Enjoying the app and the people. Great to know there are people at the same stage as me, and people supporting me in what I am trying to do. Hope you feel the same way.