2nd DWI. after relapse :(

I am on probation for a DWI in 1/2019. I cleaned up, did jail time, and got my license cleared up. Well, two days ago I was hanging out with a buddy and succumbed to the peer pressure. Left his house, hit a tree, called the police because my truck was wrecked and got another DWI. Why am I such an idiot!


You’re not an idiot, the disease is powerful. If you let it, it’ll trick you into a 3rd DWI. For some of us abstinence is the only way we can live a life in control of our actions. You’re in a great place for advice if you want it. Many have walked different paths to achieve recovery here and most are willing to share how they did so. Give yourself some grace my friend.


Thank you. I am always so hard on myself…

I was warned about the toughness of peer pressure. Never thought he would allow me to do this, I am staying away from him from now on. Also, it is myself I blame too.


People don’t think straight when under the influence. In the end we like you said we only have ourselves to blame, nobody is responsible for our sobriety.


Thank you, I previously went sober for 10 months by myself. I don’t remember what led me back, but it has been a very tough relapse after relapse since then. To be honest, best 10 months of my life! I don’t understand myself sometimes:(


Hey man I’m 26 had 2 dui, and countess questionable times driving, be thankful you never harmed anyone or yourself, me never ever driving drunk is a good motivation for me to never drink again. For I was notorious for drinking and driving, even having bottles, and beers in the vehicle, keep working hard, and stay strong


You’re not an idiot.
Maybe don’t bother with that “friend” going forwards

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You’re not an idiot. Sometimes we just have to cut those people off. I’m at the point where regardless of the situation…I will choose to have an exit plan…or deny partaking in anything involving drinking. Even if it’s my own family. I had a DWI and know it’s a huge mess. Even after I had that DWI…I once again kept drinking…and drove at times. This disease is the devil. Don’t feel bad about having boundaries! Thats why I’m looking at AA again. We need more support of people who absolutely don’t drink at all. I don’t want anyone drinking around me. If someone starts drinking I plan on leaving. We have to give ourselves a few minutes some times to talk ourselves out of that temptation. I once bought a bottle of wine and stared at it for about 30 minutes…playing the tape as they say…gave in but then poured it down the drain. Next time you think about drinking…give it 5 minutes…10 minutes…in 20 mintues you may not have that urge. My friend told me this and I’ve tried to utilize it. I can imagine you are feeling guilty and ashamed…we all have been there. Sobriety can be a lonely reality. We have to reach out to those who truly want the best for us. I know we can do it! Keep your head up! You hit a tree…you didn’t kill anyone. You are lucky. Use this as a lesson and always play that tape forward:) good luck


That’s my plan.

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Unreal how bad things can get.

Well Brad thanks for coming back I’m only sober for 14 days with some honesty and saying no to myself will I can do it one more day. I dont go to bars or partys I avoid it. Why put myself in a situation where I have to say NO. if I do go to a gathering I bring my wife with me not to boss me but just so I can see the look in her eyes if I reach for that drink. She would never tell me I couldn’t drink. But I know I cant. Your lucky count your blessings it was only a tree and not A LITTLE BOY OR GIRL. Glad your back.


Peer pressure, stress, boredom mostly, my family is full of alcoholics, some recovered, some haven’t. I need to reach out to the ones who did.


Totally agree!

Truth! I am going to start going really focusing on my decision making skills. I need to find myself again.


Sounds like the exact same thing I’m going through. I got one. Still on probation. And then last Friday I got another one. It sucks thinking about it. I have to stay positive and busy otherwise I get overwhelmed and shut down.


I have not drank since. I have got to meetings and stopped smoking today


The ramifications are going to sting for me

I hear ya. Pray about it. God will help you


Thank you, I start local A.A. this week and I am excited!