2nd meeting was amazing! <3

I went to my second meeting today and it was later in the day so there was a lot more people. I was still nervous but not nearly as nervous as I was yesterday. I got there early and sat outside with a really nice lady, I complimented her makeup and she showed me lots of pictures of other makeup looks she’s done, once the meeting started I asked to sit with her and she was more than happy to let me. She was one of the people tonight that raised their hands stating they are willing to be a sponsor so I think if I see her again tomorrow night I will ask for her number, I am going out of town this weekend to visit a friend to celebrate her 21st birthday (she knows I’m getting sober) so it would be good to have someone I can reach out to if necessary.


That’s awesome, happy the meetings are working for you - it’s nice to find your stride in those :innocent:


The group I’m attending seems really fun, I think tomorrow they’re hosting a bbq and setting off fireworks after and they said they do a game night once a week and they do potlucks, and they even do end of the month cake celebrations where they put the names of people on the cake that stayed sober for the whole month. I think once I’m fully over my nervousness I’m really going to enjoy and benefit from this :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Absolutely. It’s satisfying to connect. In addiction we isolated ourselves and starved ourselves of that basic human need: to connect. One of the great things about finding a group that works for you, is you can connect and contribute, and you feel you belong - and it’s fun :innocent:


Sounds like a really awesome group. Good for you!


Glad it was amazing for you. I’m at 53 days and have hit a meeting everyday. Work the program and it gets easier. Youve got this!


Salt of the earth the fellowship people , well done keep your meetings up wish you well