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HUGE accomplishment for myself. putting myself into my future self because that’s where we’re all gonna be. :peace_symbol::saluting_face:


Huge congrats on your 34 days! Nothing like waking up with your sober time intact and no hangover, hey? It never gets old!
Onward, friend. Let’s go get another day tomorrow :wink: :orange_heart:

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34 days is a great number! Congratulations, and keep racking up those days of freedom!:tada::tada::tada::muscle:t3::muscle:t3:


Awesome now keep the numerical segway going and get to 345. :heartpulse:

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Way to smash it @LeeMarCra! 34 days is a milestone I aim to achieve one day. Keep up the good work!

Congratulations that is great! :star2::star2::star2::star2:

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