3 days without Alcohol

3 days sober… my bp has been insane , anxiety off the roof.

Realizing how much I have managed to ruin in my life…
I have no cravings, I’m just upset and disappointed at myself


Hi @Nataliamc87 and nice one for making 3 days sober. The first few days can be tough, especially concerning blood pressure and anxiety issues. What’s YOUR plan? for tackling these?

Plenty of us have beat ourselves up over the wreckage that addiction has caused in our life. Some timely advice from TS is to be kind to yourself, while taking sobriety one minute, hour and day at a time. Eventually you’ll be stacking up the days and rebuilding a better life for yourself.

Welcome aboard, you’ve got this!


Welcome Natalia,

You’ve landed in a great community of support and wisdom. Wishing you the best in these early days.
Keep yourself occupied by reading through some threads, as I know it helped me immensely.



Hi Natalia…3 days is amazing well done you! So…i know its hard and you feel dissapointed with yourself but its important you give yourself some compassion here…you are a human being struggling with addiction not some kind of monster…i did many things i was ashamed of while drinking and although that needs to be acknowledged it doesnt define you as a person…please try and nurture yourself now to give yourself the best chance at recovering…youve already made an amazing start…the decision to get sober and have done the first 3 days…thats no mean feat! You are already doing great things…dont let that dissapointment you feel keep you down thats what the disease wants…counter that by being kind to yourself…eat, hydrate, get yourself a vitamin B complex daily vitamin and keep reaching out here…we all understand, have been through it and care here…sending love and hugs :heart: :people_hugging:



I know it was mentioned before, please take time to read this: What's YOUR plan?

Having a plan is super helpful in this process. Finding ways to care for yourself and line up support systems is key to making it through all the days to come.

This forum is amazing. Consider it a support system you get to carry around in your pocket and access 24/7. Everyone here has been on the journey and we continue the journey one day at a time for the rest of our lives.

Hopefully with some rest and good hydration and nutrition and some vitamins, your physical symptoms will ease. Taking time to read and learn as much as you can about the brain chemistry and the recovery process can really inspire you to stick to it!

I encourage you to think of this as a journey of liberation and care for yourself. It can be an effective mindset to hold when the urge to drink comes on. Breathe thru it and recognize it will pass and your freedom from this thing is worth working toward.

Check in here as often as you want or need. The early days are challenging, but you can do it! And it is worth it. Breaking up with alcohol is one of the best decisions any of us can make. I encourage you to embrace every step of this and find your way to better health, way less anxiety, and feelings of peace.

Hang in there and reach out anytime. You’ve got this!


If it helps for peace of mind I’ve seen my BP drop precipitously after 30 days sober.


Welcome aboard, Natalia. Congratulations on three days so far. The emotions can be intense in the early days, but it will get better. Hang in there!:heart::heart:


Welcome to the community :raising_hand_woman: and congratulations on your 3 days :fireworks::sparkles::star::fireworks:.

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