3 dern months

Today is 15 days for me, clean from smoking marijuana. Everywhere I read on the Internet says because of me being a regular everyday user and the potency of the pot and me being bigger girl(stupid fat cells) that it could take three months or longer to completely have my system clean from THC… this is crap!! Even though I am doing good and staying clean I still can’t apply for the job I want because I’ll still be dirty…:sob::sob: :broken_heart: I just want to help provide for my son and our little family! I want us to have a home! I am sick of not having anything… I want to succeed in life and I feel so held back! I wish I would have never smoked!!:sob: Sorry just overwhelmed…

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Flush your system with water as much as possible. There’s a chance that it won’t stay in your system for 3 months if you’re hydrated. Also, they sell kits that clean your system out. While pricey, my husband says he’s used them and they worked for him in the past when it came to taking drug tests for jobs. For his last one, we bought an at home test to see if he would pass or not. He’s not a regular smoker though. He’s a heavier guy and he still passed even though he smoked a week before then.

I gaurentee it won’t be in your system still in 3 months. Unless you were smoking like an ounce a day.

@Ash @Krystalbetts Well I’m am over 200lbs and I never smoked mid and would smoke loud all day… several blunts a day… make money by smoking with other smokers and go by more and smoke again… it will stay in your system longer if it has a higher THC level and it’s stored in fat cells… and I am a chunk lmbo… I don’t care how long it takes because i am not giving up it just sucks that it may be that long…

It usually takes 30 days to clear. I took cranberry tablets and they helped…get them in the vitamin aisle of any supermarket or pharmacy.