3 Weeks Sober from Pills

Today I am 3 weeks sober from pills. I was using bad for quite a while. I am so proud of myself for becoming sober and reaching my 3 weeks but today is a bad day for me. I dont know why but as much as I am proud… I’m having a rough time because I want to use today almost as bad as when I was going through withdrawals! I could use a little support today and some helpful words. If anybody has some ideas on helping to curb my cravings I would really appreciate the advice! TIA :purple_heart:


First off congrats on 3 weeks! That’s amazing!! Pills aren’t my DOC so I don’t have much to offer in the way of tips to get past those particular cravings. I will tell you that everyone on here says to just hang on through them though because they DO pass. Sometimes we have to hang on minute by minute but do what you can to resist. Being on here is a good start! You can use the magnifying glass at the top right of screen to search topics. Maybe search about cravings and pills and see what you find. There’s loads of people in your same shoes here! You’re not alone. That’s the other thing… Never crave alone. Reach out here, just like you did! Wishing you all the best!


I went thru this recently. My DOC is alcohol, but I’ve been on everything at one point or another. I’m done drinking. The damage it has caused me has taken my urges for that away. But last week I was in a really bad place and I was craving anything else. It was bad. Like I was having a panic attack over it. I should’ve reached out on here as you are instead of suffering alone. But I got thu it and am feeling much better now that I stayed strong. It will pass. And you’ll be stronger for it.


I’m free from heroin and benzos 51 days I found around the 3/6 weeks it was tough I think that time is our first test as addicts ,are we falling at the first hurdle kind of test I wanted too tbh butttttt I wanted soberity more


Hang in there . 5 weeks off pills here . I know it’s rough but keep up the good work. Hopefully with more time it’ll pass

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