3 years. 3 years sober today

Congratulations on your three years!

Thats the difference friend…having a community of people who truly understand and to know when to reach out of help…i 100% believe that part of recovery is reaching out and allowing yourself to be helped. Congratulations on your 3 years thats incredible :clap: :heart: :people_hugging:


Way to go!!!

Congrats!!! March 1 is my 3 year as well.


Way to go buddy!

Congrats on your 3 years. I’m on day 12. And day 12 of meetings. This time I have a burning desire to “quit” and stay quit. Alcohol has brought nothing but anxiety and stress in my life , just toon 20 years to finally see it. Cheers my friend :sparkling_heart::muscle:t3::sparkling_heart:


3 years is strong! Keep getting after it!

Awesome job on your three years I just took my 2 years last Dec and still counting. Congratulations

Wow three years!!! Great job!

If you’re going through difficult times just think how hard they would have been if you had still been drinking?

I was about nine months sober when my business of 25 years completely collapsed due to interest rates and the mortgage industry which we served completely restructured. Our largest customer we supported closed all 441 branches and our second largest customer closed nearly 240 branches.

I thank God every day I was sober going through this. I couldn’t imagine trying to reinvent myself if I was still drinking. It wouldn’t have ended pretty that’s for sure. Thanks to being sober I’m starting a new job tomorrow with even more potential then my previous business! All due to doing the good fight day to day. Listening to every person I read in here like it’s my own story!

I’m so proud of everyone on this board!

Congratulations on your three years!’

Congrats on three years sober!