3 years sober since 3/19/24 & Feeling Anxious

Hey sober fam! Lately I’ve been feeling sort of alone and anxious so I’ve come here to let it out, because I know you all get it. I hit 3 years sober on 3/19/24 (:partying_face:). And I am SO proud of myself! BUT it’s so weird… for some reason I almost feel the opposite, like 3 years isn’t enough. I catch myself second guessing if I deserve to be 3 years sober, it’s kind of hard to explain but the addict in me tells me I don’t deserve this. What I deserve is to be an addict and not happy. Its weird to say out loud that I’m 3 years clean because I almost feel like I’m lying but I’m not… and no one understands me. I try to talk to people but they just don’t get it and it doesn’t help that it’s so hard to explain. Anyway, I’m taking it one day and one minute at a time and I WILL stay clean. I can not throw away how far I’ve come. I’m just mentally struggling right now, when I should be so happy. :pensive:


Congratulations to you on the three years. It is something that you worked very very very hard for….
I understand why you feel like you might not be worthy of something so great like three years of sobriety. It’s learned behavior from your past. Think positive thoughts about yourself and you could consider doing what they call positive affirmations. Look at yourself in the mirror and say I deserve to be proud of myself for having this three years of sobriety. You could say something like I am really proud of myself that one day at a time I did not take that next sip.
Look in the mirror and say to yourself, I deserve what I have given myself. I am worthy. You could write some self affirmations down on a note card, and once a day, say them to yourself.
Hopefully doing something similar to this will help you override some of the learned behavior from your past.
Big hugs and again congratulations to you. I’m glad that you came and posted with how you feel.


Truly beautiful 3 yrs and you did all the work to make it happen! Sometimes I think I should be further than I am currently. But then I have to remind myself that I started when I did & that’s what matters. If I hadn’t… likely be cremated by now.

Our timeline is what it is, every day forward is precious and whether it’s 20 or 20,000 days we get to be free!

I’m so proud of you and your years. Hugs!


3 years is amazing, and you DESERVE it. I’m inspired by you!! :people_hugging:

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Milestone are tricky days for me.
Around those I found myself a bit unstable and I have more cravings.
So if you are a bit like me this is the thing for you maybe? What I do around milestones is be here more and vent about it. I also keep myself busy. It’s a bit like in early recovery. You have to work hard to mantain sobriaty. But you are in advantage as well because you have a lot of clean days and recovery experience. You know what to do!
Focus on those 24 houres! :facepunch:

And do not forget to come here at the 19th!
I want to celebrate your :three: years with you!!

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Totally get where you’re coming from. Just know what you deserve a long and happy sober life and 3 years is an absolutely amazing milestone. Try and be a bit kinder to yourself

Our addict heads want to kill us but our addict hearts are the biggest. Follow your heart not your head.

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