3 years sober today

Reading this over I realize that I made it sound like getting sober was easy! I’m sure we all know it was anything but that. I would not have made it without the check in thread! So I owe it all to everyone here. And even year 2 and year 3 I really struggled with loneliness and self worth and still working of figuring myself out! Its all still a process… but I have a feeling year 4 is going to be my year!

@Dan531 @Mno @Its_me_Stella
@Alisa @Thirdmonkey @LeeHawk @AyBee


HUGE thank you! I couldn’t have done it without this place! @catmancam @RosaCanDo @Yoda-Stevie @Just_Laura @SoberWalker @Lisa07 @SassyRocks @Pandita @Blondie1x @TheWaterDog


Oh Sarah!!!

Congrats on your cleantime my beautiful friend, 3 years…time flies. Look at you, being the mom you always wanted to be. It doesnt surprise me that your life is amazing, you are amazing. Ty for all of your love and support over the last 3.5 years. :heart:

“Everything is energy, and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy, this is physics.” - some smart scientist with crazy hair :wink:


Proud of you, how wonderful! Thanks for sharing! Going through year 3 has been rough for me, but the freedom is amazing and I just have to get back to finding and manifesting my dreams.

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Congrats!! Life can be so amazing when we get out of our own way! You’re an inspiration to us all! Keep it up!


Congratulations thats amazing

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Congratulations, I wish your life to always be peaceful :four_leaf_clover::heart::bouquet:

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Congratulations on 3 years! Its sounds like your life has changed in the most wonderful way imaginable. I wish you happiness moving forward in your incredible journey :partying_face::smiling_face::partying_face:

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