3 years sober today

And I have to tell you, I just got a job as a preschool assistant! Literally just put on my Rosary beads (I was able to buy from a dear friend) and was saying a prayer when the school called to ask if I wanted the position. I didn’t even apply… they just offered me the job. :sob: This is something I’ve wanted but didn’t know how to make it work because of the baby but she will be going to the preschool too!

And I’m tearing up right now because honestly I never knew my life could be as good as it is right now. I could write a book about how God has worked magic in my life the last 3 years. MAGIC.

When I was at my worst, I was addicted to 5 substances, contemplating suicide daily, felt the weight of the world on my shoulders, felt a tsunami of shit coming at me in all directions and then one day I decided I could kill myself or get sober and so I quit my job in the night club and poured the drugs down the drain and checked in here everyday for a long time and can you believe? EVERYTHING worked out for me. EVERYTHING.
We moved in with our in laws, while I got sober, we AIRBNBd our house and eventually ended up turning a profit and all the bills were covered and when it came time to sell my house, it had gone up SO much in value… I have more money today than I did when I quit my job. I felt like I did a trust fall and God caught me.
And I don’t want to brag but I’ve been all over the place. I’ve traveled to Hawaii 3 times, Florida 6 times?, Utah, Tennessee, Sedona, Cincinnati… my sister always tells me “You know you spend your whole life on vacation” and I do…before I got sober I never went anywhere. I was afraid they would find my drugs on the plane.
I want to tell my sister it’s because I manifested it. I found yoga and meditation… I meditate a lot and recently I discovered that God is in everything, including me and if I want to spend time with God I just look at the flowers and feel the blood run through my body. And I feel JOY all the time!!! (Now I’m getting way out there but sobriety has changed me, changed my life, it’s been the best thing that has ever happened to me.) I am thankful for everyone here who took the time to be my friend or acquaintance and check up on me over the last 3 years. And above all else, I’m grateful my children will never know the person I used to be.

Thank you to everyone who has been a part of it.


What a wonderful check in!! So very happy for you!! Congratulations on your 3 years and all the hard work you have out into your self!!!


Oh, congratulations to 3 years! :tada::bouquet::clap: It’s such a joy to read your story. You truly turned things around.

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Oh my gosh Sarah.
This is the best thing I’ve read in…… :thinking:……forever. I’m tearing up with happy tears for you while I write this and savor your share. I’m just so happy for you. You’ve come so far. A couple or few times I’d think we lost you. Then you’d pop back in sober as all hell. I’m so glad you stuck with this journey. It’s been an honor to be on this journey with you. I appreciate you always being a very supportive friend. And showing us all how it’s done.
Congratulations on 3 years of a new beautiful you.


Happy Birthday :tada:
To 3 years of Freedom.


Oh, wow! What a ride. CONGRATULATIONS :clap:


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That’s incredible!!! Congratulations!!! :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:


Congratulations! This is great :clap:t2::clap:t2::ok_hand:t2::pray:t2::two_hearts:

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This right here is perfect! I am so very happy for you and so damn proud! Well done on your 3 years of sobriety. Well done on manifesting a better life for yourself and making it happen with the help of God/HP – yuo desereve it all Sarah and so happy to hear that you are living the life you were meant to live.

Congrats on your job offer!


@everyone thank you from the bottom of my heart each and every one of you has made a huge difference in not only my sobriety but so many others!! Thank you for coming to congratulate me :heart:

@Dazercat thank you for being my biggest cheerleader and friend over the years.

@JazzyS thank you for all of that, you always have a way with words! You’re amazing and I’m thankful for you.


Yay! So happy for you and your freedom!


Talk about a feel good story, and it’s your real life! Congratulations on 3 years Sarah :slightly_smiling_face:

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Congratulations to you for all you have accomplished, all you have found, all that you are! The Magic!

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Woo hoo! Congratulations on 3 years and your new career! So freakin happy for you! Thank you for allowing me to be apart of your amazing journey, beautiful Sarah.


What an uplifting share, thank you for it!
Congratulations with your 3 years sober!! :tada::tada:

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That is so amazing! What an inspirational post! It’s so nice to read things like this. So happy for you that everything has worked out as it should. I think it will encourage many of us to keep at it (and me too😄). Congratulations on 3 years! And good luck with your new job👍


Congrats on the job offer! :tada: and congrats on 3 years :tada::trophy::star2::star2::star2: It was so nice to read all about the magic in your life now 🩵

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This is so amazing to hear! Congrats and well done, Sarah!!!

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Congratulations on 3 years of getting better at getting better! Keep living your best life sober!

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