30 days completed

Made to 30 days today!

I feel better in myself and slightly more energy overall. But I have a tingling head and face + lethargic.

Has anyone experienced this? I’m booking a gp appointment to explore what damage I’ve done



Congratulations on 30 days!

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I’ve never experienced the tingling head before. Fingers crossed it’s nothing serious

Congratulations on the 30 days!!!

Maybe let your bloodwork check. Expecially for vitamin B6. I do not know if your addiction is alcohol? But that can give a deficienty of vitamin B1 and B6. A vitamin B6 can give neuropatic symptoms as tingling.

Congratulations on the 30 days milestone :confetti_ball:


Great work Andy! 1 month milestone is fantastic :confetti_ball::tada::muscle:t4:

Glad you are starting to feel the benefits of sobriety. I’m still dealing with tingling and it may be unrelated to drinking. It is a good idea to get it checked out.

Lethargy is completely normal. Your body is detoxing and getting used to healthier living. It uses all its energy to heal and therefore you feel tired. It does get better :pray:t4:

Keep going strong :muscle:t4: