30 Days Sober. 2019 going strong

Cant believe i have made it to 30 days sober, i probably picked the worst time to stop (or best time) becuase of Xmas and new years.

I have had so much energy, i go gym more often, i eat better and people already saying ive lost weight… especially from the face.

Still go out with friends, even to pubs and not touched a drop. Feels refreshing to leave earlier and wake up 100% the next morning.

It wasnt easy at the beginning but im loving it, and hope to continue my sobriety. Thanks all for your support.


Congratulations! :confetti_ball:

but be aware of the hard days, they will show up too. Be prepared! :facepunch:


Congratulations on 30 days that’s great. I did 5 days between Christmas and New Year sober then had my farewell drinks on NYE. I can honestly say i haven’t touched another drink since so now on day 23. I have been ill with the flu for over a week now but I’m not interested in drinking and really hope it lasts. I also like waking up without a hangover. Keep going because I am

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Woohoo!! Congrats!

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Yay Congratulations??? The Big 30

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Yes Harv that’s awesome!

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Congrats on thoose 30’s days :smiley: you do deserve a healthy , sober life :smiley: Keep on focusing on what you can get out from sobrierty. It will be UPS and downs , just hang in there .Whatever it takes , yes you are a great person . Best of wishes and keep on comming back . We are here if needed :heart::ok_hand::pray::pray::pray:

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