30 Days Sober (SLAA)

Hi all,

I am coming up on 37 Days sober in SLAA after my long term partner broke up with me for abusive behavior. It’s starting to sink in that he’s really gone, and it’s a lonely and hard feeling. I am really struggling to make it through this day. But sharing helps.

Best wishes to you all.


Wow you and I sound a lot alike. My boyfriend and I broke up 38 days ago and I’ve been sober ever since. He’s really gone. I’m not getting another chance with him. And in my brain I keep thinking “how am I suppose to live with that? With myself?” The answer is: just take it a day at a time. I struggle with this because I over think everything. It certainly doesn’t help. I have to push past the shame and the fear of seeing him again. I will see him again. Which is terrifying. But I have to do this for myself. I can’t be dependent on him for my happiness and I never thought about it that way. This is my life. I’m here with a purpose. And I want to grow and change for myself. I want to be the best that I can be. :slight_smile: stay strong my friend!!! Hang in there!!!

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Thank you so much for you encouragement. It’s good to know that I’m not alone! We can do this.

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