30 Days, thanks guys ❤️

Although elated to make it this far, I’m still very scared that it may all come crashing down around me.
I have a Mantra that I repeat every morning, I find it really helpful.
Good luck all and thanks for your continued support, you’re awesome :heart::heart::heart:


Congrats :clap:


Great work! :clap:t2:, let’s keep going together….one day at a time :pray:t2::two_hearts:


Congrats on 30 days! :tada::tada::tada:


Yesssss! Well done. Keep up the good work.


Congrats on 30 days! That’s amazing!


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Congrats on a very tough milestone! Protect your sobriety!!! Its ok to have a little fear if it means you stay on the sober train


Excellent progress!! I remember well the feelings of accomplishment along with imminent disaster. When I held my 90 day coin for the 1st time, I mumbled to myself, only one, only once, let’s make this the final 90 day coin I ever get in my life.

I stayed closer to my support group afterwards, since I didn’t feel strong enough to carry on sober by myself.

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Congratulations :partying_face::tada: 30 days very good job :slight_smile:

Congratulations!! :dizzy::dizzy::dizzy::dizzy:

I ate M&Ms or had a bite of a Snickers Bar when I had urges to drink in early recovery. The sugar in the candy fooled my brain into thinking it was getting the sugar in alcohol.

Old timers drilled HALT into me - I was told to run down if I was Hungry, Angry, Lonely or Tired when urges hit and then to do something about whatever category was bothering me.

And cigarettes…40 yrs ago I was told smoking was better than drinking, so I lit up if urges persisted. Theory was that I smoked and drank together constantly so stopping one created an urge for the other. Now it’s my understanding that it’s probably better to quit both addictions at the same time. Took me my 1st 5 yrs of sobriety to give up smoking entirely.