It’s really strange how some days can be easier than others. Days 1-5 were the easiest, maybe because I hadn’t gotten into just how far reaching alcohol was in the every day. At days 27-31, I have had worse cravings than ever. I have cried a lot, gone to bed insanely early just to try and forget about things that I would usually use alcohol to not think about. I’ve celebrated my own birthday sober, been the only one at a table sober for dinner, many times. Spent an evening in a hotel room with my co-workers being sober, while everyone else drank. I hear about it on the radio, see it in my favorite shows, my friends send me their TGIF cocktail pics, I have sat through events that I would have traditionally been trashed at. As much as I feel pride right now, I feel struggle and it’s emotionally taxing. But I am here, in day 31, and tomorrow is day 32, and so on. On the days it has been the toughest, in the moments I look at the guy sitting at the bar with a shot and and beer back and my mouth literally starts to water, I open this app and find a thread to read or comment on. I am so happy I found this am doing how supportive everyone is.
Well done @ashisalefty. You’ve come a long way. 31 days. Hard at times but just think how you’ll feel if you reset? You’ve got this. Be strong. Proud of you. So… what have been the positive aspects of sobriety? Remind yourself when you crave it. All the best
Congrats @ashisalefty you are doing it !! Im so Proud of you keep this up
stay motivated and positive and be Proud
Good job for staying strong! The first few days were rough for me and the minutes felt like hours! After the week mark I felt better and days were flying! Now I am having a slow day again since issues that lead me to drink are creeping back in. I refuse to cave and will work this out! Stay strong, your post has encouraged me!
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