33 days and at last cravings have settled

33 days and at last cravings have settled.
To all you 1 to 3 weekers out there keep winning the fight. I have struggled with cravings hourly until today I just thought hang on I haven’t had a craving at all today or yesterday. I’m not sure how long this will last but I didn’t even notice they had disappeared… now I need to stop eating junk food that’s has gotten out of control. Once I reached 4 weeks sober I kind of got into the new way of life. Had to change my normal routine a bit. Making sure I never go shopping in the evening. I picked up a few supermarket bits on my lunch hour to avoid the old habits of 3 bottles of wine into the 6pm shopping trolly. Bed by 9pm every night. I think I’m in with a chance of hitting them treble digits I haven’t seen since I was a child!!


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