35.19 Hours Sober...sleepy

I recently noticed that my ADHD medication has s trange side effect of making me what to chain smoke and take shots of vodka. I know it sounds crazy, but I found a doctor that believed me and lowered my dose. She is helping me ween off these meds and then we can explore other options. I went from 20mg to 10mg and I seem to want to sleep a lot now. Like deep sleep. I’m off for the holidays but return to work tomorrow. I have no desire to drink or smoke, but I usually binge drink, so time will tell. Oddly enough, I do feel more like my old self, even though I’m very tired. Could it have been the ADHD meds that triggered my impulsive drinking and smoking? The docs increased my dosage about 2 years ago after I had my last baby. I had really bad postpartum and the doc thought treating my ADHD would help my depression. Just trying to figure this all out.

That’s an interesting theory. Everyone reacts differently, so it may be true. The point is, you’re doing better, thats really all that matters :slight_smile:…the sleepiness is definitely from the reduction in adderall but should subside eventually. For now take in those precious zzz’s your body wants…a beauty sleep of sorts haha. Congrats btw!

What’s crazy is used to have a prescription to adderall and I have NO idea why but when I took it I felt inclined to chains moke outside and write or something, every time this would happen. Probably something related to stimulants that makes smoking more tolerable or feel more enjoyable. It never made me want to drink, I WOULD drink but mainly because I knew on adderall I would be a lot more cogent for a longer period of time with a buzz, definitely didn’t help my impulsiveness. I never needed it though I just took because I was addicted to it for the high. I would definitively wane off it if I were you. You might want to try Sam-E I take that now and it helps a lot as an anti depressant, and it’s all natural. I also, Meditation is huge, I meditate every day and I don’t think anything else could of helped this this has. Definitively worth a try http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/leslie-traill/meditation-and-post-partum_b_3957537.html

HI @MaddMom, I don’t take Rx meds, but one major thing I noticed once I quit drinking is how tired I am in the day. Coffee has become my new love and I sleep more and dream more. It’s crazy how vivid my dreams are. I think before I was just passing out and not getting a good rem cycle going. I had a nightmare last night and remember the dream and when my husband woke me because I started yelling. Crazy. I also love not waking up at 3am anymore hungover and filled with anxiety. God I hated that.

Anyways my point was that feeling tired is totally normal. Caffeine is your new friend now.