3rd 1st morning

Good morning all. I downloaded this app a few days ago. I’ve had to reset it every morning. I’m ashamed I have to do this. Has anyone else stopped cold turkey without any bad effects? I ready about what could happen and it is scaring me to do so. So I’ve tried to cut back but that’s just not working. Any help or advice would be welcomed. Thank you all and Bless you all

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Unfortunately that’s not an option for me.

Thank you so much

Yes I’m actually on my 90ish 1st morning.we can’t give up!!

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I also get up every single morning saying last night was the last night. I pray and pray for the strength to stop. But every afternoon that urge hits so hard. And there are days that I don’t get it and still drink because it’s a habit now. I hate addictions. But we can do this.

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I’ve been fighting with my sobering for 20 years. Me and my addiction get a long fine… until we don’t. I’m worried one day I won’t be here to relapse. Thoughts?

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Detoxing from alcohol can be dangerous. Seek medical help if you can. Ive gone to my dr. and explained what was going on and he helped me. I have started from day one many many times as many of us have here. Drink lots of water. Hang in there.

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I am on day 8. I quit cold turkey because I went to visit my daughter and her family. I wanted to be present and engaged. I returned home last night, thought I was going to have to drink. But didn’t! You got this!!


Hi! 3 weeks ago I went through an awfully bad withdrawal phase, I had avoided that for a very long time, because I knew how bad my alcohol addiction was. I self-medicated myself, but I definiately do not recommend that to anyone. By the end of the first week I felt pretty well, was med-free on day 10 and ever since. Take care, best of luck to you. Hang around here and do not give up.

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I started day one again yesterday, I was ready to give up thinking I was too weak but so glad I’m on day 2. I can’t say I feel great cause I don’t I feel sick and my head hurts , but I will get through day 2 . Take one step at a time , and know your not alone in this .


I’m coming to the end of day 3 tonight. Its been a 30 year struggle even though I’ve had a six month stretch a few times but the last 7 years have been the toughest, nonstop torment to my body and that’s honestly the thing that slowed me down…and I say that because I wonder if my body didn’t feel so bad if I’d still be drinking right now. Its not normal to FEEL your liver and kidneys rubbing against other organs and other stuff. They’re not supposed to ache or hurt. That’s a sign and not a good one. I should be in detox being monitored and definitely off my feet but I’m not. Instead I’ve been going to work and shocked I have been working through intense withdrawal. Its Day 2 on a new job. No its not worth endangering myself but it has benefits and I couldn’t delay the start date. I had no insurance, savings or family support, close to being homeless, otherwise I would work when I felt better. I definitely won’t go tomorrow if I don’t feel up to it. I have the job now and they’ll have tto understand. Its not worth it in the end. Driving to work was tough, even walking to the car was hard and functioning at work with everybody nonchalantly walking up and down the stairs like its nothing—there is an elevator—but when you’re new on a job you kinda go with the flow. I promise I had at least 20 episodes when I really thought I’d pass out and leave in an ambulance yesterday and today. :joy: Honestly, I have to laugh but I can barely laugh because I feel so lousy. Hopefully, this doesn’t have to be what makes you stop. If your health is relatively good, cherish it. Don’t allow liver disease, heart disease and other complications be the thing that leads you to stop.


Wow, well I’m proud of you for continuing. Sounds like ur on the right road, but I feel for you because there’s no way I can go to detox either. Hang in there and keep us posted on how ur doing :hugs:

Oh my, lady, hang in there. You can get through the withdrawals but it is tough. Please keep updating us. I am rooting for you!