3rd day AF, still not sleeping!

So nearly on day 3. I’m just not sleeping!!! Anyone else experience this? How long did it last ? :sleeping::yawning_face::yawning_face:


Yes. It gets better x be kind to yourself, a good long walk during the day can help tire you. And meditation apps helped me :fist_right::fist_left::pray:

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Hey! I had that for the first few days, then I slept a lot, my body was exhausted! I find taking Magnesium before bed helps me to sleep, I get it in powdered form 100% organic, mixed with a little warm water and just knock it back about an hour before I go to sleep. I also find reading, putting away my phone and exercise during the day helps me sleep well, and of course avoiding caffeine after a certain time. Congrats on 3 days!


Thanks, I’ve bought some AF literature that’s I’m looking forward to reading just before I go to sleep. :+1:

I had terrible sleep the first couple weeks sober. :purple_heart: Congrats on your 3 days. It gets better! You may find you need to cut back your caffiene intake like Jennifer said. I was so used to needing to hyper-caffeinate to get the hungover me going/functioning that I was still doing that sober. Without the alcohol putting me down at bedtime I didn’t need the caffeine to ratchet me up.

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