4 and a half years sober

No i dont miss alcohol i do miss the social life i had. There are not as many activities to do in a sober environment.

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Wow, Tiny! Thanks so much for checking back in. Another year of freedom. Were you able to connect with any other sober people in the last year? AA isn’t the only place to find local sober community, though it’s a great support and we are everywhere. TS is a great source of support and laughs from time to time. Hope you stick around.


Oh wow and huge Congratulations :fireworks:
It’s so lovely to read your still doing great on your journey, I’m so pleased to be able to say I also am :sparkler:
It’s lovely to see you posting :hugs:


Yes its such a different place to be in. Its become a lifestyle. I still have yet to find my niche but im sure it will come when the time is right. Ive become a social recluse i cant lie. Honesty the past year was a reintroduction for myself of myself if that makes sense. How has your journey been? What are some things u have replaced drinking with?


Big congratulations to you as well. Thank you for the support. :pray:t4:

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I totally understand that and I certainly have been more protective of my alone time as each day seems like I grow now that I’m sober. When I got sober in March 2021 I started calling all of my friends that were not toxic and setting up coffee dates. I had already come out as an alcoholic. I also went on a walk with a very good friend and our dogs almost every day for a full hour. Now I have other activities and being a non-drinker is pretty much normal to me. However, I participate in my recovery communities quite a bit as I enjoy that and it gives me comfort.

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