4 day no fap

This tik tok girls bro are tempting,then i remeber that’s the reason why i am doing it.
So i canconnect with the oppsite gender.
Write any tips u have or experiences

  • That reason we have to give ourselves has been the best help for me.
  • It was a huge burden off my shoulders when I was able to talk to people I trust about my addiction.
  • Avoiding those boredom triggers, Netflix and social media were mine.
  • My wife and I divorced a few months ago because of my addiction to pornography. I still don’t know how I can ever come back from that.

Hi guys! @BarryKendo Josh it’s nice to meet you :innocent: @Aggghy good to see you again too. @Aggghy there’s actually a bunch of posts on the questions you raise here, on our message thread - you can find it in your Messages:

Josh I’ve invited you to it too. It’s a general purpose discussion area for men facing porn / sex / masturbation addiction.

Take care brothers and never give up. You’re good men who deserve a safe, sober, self-respecting life - and it is yours if you walk that path of sober, balanced living.

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What day at no fap are u ??

I had a rough day today and relapsed.


Have you guys considered going to SA, SAA, or SLAA 12 step meetings? There’s entire communities out there based around sobriety from porn, masturbation, orgasm (PMO), sexual acting out, fantasy addiction, intimacy anorexia, and other relationship based addiction issues.

You’re not alone in this. The worst thing you can do is isolate. Start by building a support network and just start attending meetings and showing up. All it takes is a willingness to stop acting out.

I’m new to Talking Sober this week. But I’ve been using Sober Time app since 2018. Wondering if I can join the private thread for PMO recovery.

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Sure thing! I just sent you an invite.

I am relatively new to Talking Sober and would like to join the private group. Is there anything I need to do to join?

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Absolutely! I just invited you :innocent: