4 days 12 hrs... Just sharing/venting

Almost a week sober. My injuries from my car accident are feeling a little better, so I started (and hopefully will continue) a work out routine. Felt good, got nauseous after. Sigh, am having a really hard time finding a job. Been out of a job since early October, then everything kind of spiraled out of control even more so than it already was. It’s just so discouraging not having found work yet. And my anxiety is acting up and idk just came here to vent and connect. Thanks for letting me share.



Work will come eventually. Take this time to heal from your accident and focus on your sobriety. I know it’s tough without a job and definitely adds to the stress. Find little wins to be proud of and keep positive. We are all here cheering for you. Keep fighting

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Thank you @Mimezombie and ditto (:

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When I was in early sobriety I had a lot of free time as I wasn’t working either. I spent a lot of time going to meetings. Once I was a little more stable in sobriety I was able to land a job. I kept going to meetings and got a better job as I became even more stable in my sobriety. Now I am training for a position in management at my current company. All because I focused on recovery when I had the opportunity to do so


@Englishd That’s great. Good for you (: I know I need to take a page from your book since I just got sober again four days ago. It’s just hard not to be stressed out because bills, but I have been receiving some help from my mother, which I am so thankful for as a lot of people don’t have that. I will try to relax and focus on my sobriety. Thank you.

We have basically the same amount of time sober, im 4.7 days now so lets be strong together :grinning: whenever you feel down or like drinking again try so hard to remember all the bad times and aftermath of drinking. Focus extremely hard on the bad stuff and not the high. Thats what im doing. As for the job, we all have bills to pay but a job is not as important as your health. You will find a new job soon. Use this time off to take care of yourself and pamper yourself a little bit. :grinning:

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@Pman lol yup we are the four day club (: That’s what I have been doing (thinking about the bad) and so far it’s working cause boy those aftermaths were not pretty. Especially my latest. But, it’s so crazy how the thoughts to drink keep on pouring into my head and you know the convincing yourself it’ll be different this time blah blah. As long as we know it’s BS, I guess we are off to a good start (: Thank you and I’m here if you need anything also in keeping with being stronger together!

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Yeah, i believe you. I keep thinking about all the bad stuff but everyday theres a period of the day all i can think of is to get high :grimacing: i even start thinking about crazy stuff like divorce so i can “be free” again to get high 24/7. This shit is evil!! :smile:
Anyway feel free to msg me if you need to talk about anything to get your mind of the drink and lets keep strong! :grinning:

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@Pman Yes, very evil! And same extended to you if you need to talk.

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The first time I got sober, this is my second go, I quit working for six months and really focused on myself. I went to a ton of meetings, 90 meetings in 90 days, even though I was never really comfortable, social anxiety, it really helped to keep me focused on how small staying sober can be. The one day at a time had a huge effect on me getting to 15 months sober. The meetings also helped me to let go of my ego and to start listening to people who had achieved what I couldn’t sobriety. I worked the steps even though I was reluctant and it really was eye opening how I was able to see how I was to blame for my alcoholism and how toxic my attitude had become.

When I finally started working again and stopped going to meetings that’s when my ego started creeping back in and after 15 months I thought I was smart enough to start drinking again. Hell no!! Daily drinking from the first drink.

This time around I’ve managed 25 days so far and have used what I learned the first time, listening to others, letting go of my ego and daily reading and interacting on this site, along with a few meetings and I feel pretty good. I also think that truly embracing this time that I can never use any mind altering substance has really helped.

Wishing you luck. Keep searching for that next day sober and you will find what works for you.


@Hidden Thank you for sharing some of your story with me, it was very insightful. It’s my fifth day today and I know I need to force myself to a meeting regardless of my struggle with social anxiety, too. Wishing you luck as well! Thank you again.

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We all need help with this. This site can be a huge help as well. Stay strong, stay connected and good luck.

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