4 days away from being 6 months cocaine free

4 days away from being 6 months cocaine free and I have since then landed my dream job making 3x as more than my previous job. Oh boy do I feel great :grinning::+1:t5: Change is possible ppl. You just have to want to want. I am still far from perfect but I am so proud of myself :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Even though I haven’t had any urges whatsoever, I still take it one day at a time, keep my faith in God​:raised_hands:t5: and maintain focus on what’s important to me. Stay safe everyone :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Wishing you all nothing but miracles and blessings :kissing_heart:


Great job on all the odaat!s, great to hear the good news such a blessing when we can finally work a good recovery, keep up the good work

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Wow congratulations :confetti_ball::clap: